Salvation is personal
You know that was good.
For what’s it worth, no one is filling my head or life with anything beyond what I already believe and have believed most of my life. I unlike many others have never forgotten or forsaken God at anytime, even in my worst moments I have never forgotten that he is with me. I unlike others don’t need to be convinced by others to have my beliefs strengthen, I have no doubts about God but I have doubts of the wisdom of man.
Like I said, the relationship between a man (woman) and God is a personal thing, you can not judge being mortal what is right and what is wrong but you can take your life to a higher level that I strongly feel God expects all of us to do.
This includes learning what other religions are, how we all live together and in our daily lives either fight the seven deadly sins and embrace the seven virtues (a catholic thing but really applies to all Christians) or to practice repentance, forgiveness and grace (not divine grace). If you don’t understand what these are, ask your leader.
But you just proved my point about intolerance, which is actually part of forgiveness. The lack of tolerance in any religion is something that should be fought, should be castigated completely and fully.
Jesus did not talk about being intolerant, did he?
You do not convert people to your religion or your beliefs without engaging them in conversation first, and in order to do so you must not have preconceived notions about the person or their religion but learn. You turn people off when you get into their face about your position and force them to listen. You lose people when you d*mn their practices and lifestyles, with no chance of convincing them of what you are saying, the inquisition is over – don’t resurrect it.
The truth.
People have been trying to figure out this since time began. NO one has yet come up with a definitive answer, and no one will ever. You can’t tell someone to believe in something without some insight of life.
I want to know what version of the truth am I supposed to believe?
Your truth?
The truth of a majority of televangelist?
The truth of a leader of a church like Westboro Baptist church?
The truth of the narrow-minded that for what ever purpose can not practice anything beyond what they are told to practice?
The truth is again something between the individual and God, no one else. God guides us to find our own truth and it is different for everyone.
Like it or not, life is not about living in a box.
Like it or not, you proved my point about living what you preach, about taking things beyond judging people and to practice things by living the word the best one can, not just repeating it.