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  1. greg334

    Driver Pay

    >Most non cdl trucks are 26,000 lbs or less and no air >brakes. Intrastate I can see, but Interstate and no CDL?
  2. greg334

    Teachers vs. Educators

    That's too funny, I bet you I know which school this happened at.
  3. greg334

    NFL Black out Policy

    "happened to the Lions ALL the time." You mean Happens? This has been the norm for years (at least going back to the 70's).
  4. greg334

    Osama bin Laden's web postings

    Freight, It was a sarcastic post. This is what I got from CNN; The Al-Qaeda’s advertising group has taken out banner ads not only on one site but have appeared on Yahoo before Yahoo pulled the ad. Kinda weird that Yahoo would accept it in the first place. But now that story has changes...
  5. greg334

    It Figures!

    There are a lot of angry iPhone purchasers. It seems that Apple has decided to reduce the price of the iPhone from $600 to $400 and a lot of people are p*ssed about it. So apple has decided to send a rebate for $100 to the people who already purchased the thing to appease the masses. Get PR...
  6. greg334

    Osama bin Laden's web postings

    Got the up and coming 9/11 stuff Tuesday, I find it funny that every news organization that has a video report about the new announcements of Osama bin Laden's up and coming web video post seem to be reading it from Osama bin Laden's Yahoo home page. Did you know his latest video was directed...
  7. greg334

    Pro Driver or Steering Wheel Holder?

    What would I do? If he drove on the lawn, I would call the company and tell them "see you in court" for the damages they did to the lawn. I would talk to the state police again (here is it not a problem in rural areas, they will come out in my area) and ask them nicely to send someone out to...
  8. greg334

    Thompson makes his announcement

    the problem is exposure, he (Newt) was a minor figure to the public 14 years ago (the world did not stop when he left office) and now he is almost none existent in the public's eye. Things have changed, he will have to mend fences much more than anyone in the field right now and the libs, with...
  9. greg334

    Thompson makes his announcement

    Some how I don't see Newt running at all. He needed to get into this early and make a name for himself - Thompson didn't have to do that with Turner running reruns of Law and Order, Hunt for Red October and a bunch of other things he has been in. After last night, I really think that Thompson...
  10. greg334

    FECC Rumor Mill

    Yep, I saw couple of them already - in testing phase. I will say this and have to FedEx, why did they select people who have no clue how to use a computer to create feedback? I mean I ran into one person who had a very hard time using it and was more or less angry at the unit for it's...
  11. greg334

    When is a good time to replace the shocks??

    I'm with Dave on this, once a year is a good time but also get a full alignment too. Just purchased rears for the truck, OEM ones and they cost $60 each - not bad but I got to get someone to install all of them now.
  12. greg334

    Is this typical?????????

    company? Yes it can be typical.
  13. greg334

    Canadian auto sales set record

    My 10 acres was moved to the family trust two years ago (and is considered a transfer between family members by law) and it went from 600 to 890 because they mistakenly re asset the place. I was told that it would be adjusted and I would get another bill to reflect the correct (600) tax but...
  14. greg334

    Canadian auto sales set record

    Sorry OVM, but I know what is going on - the same thing that happened in the mid 80's and it is all right with me. Why? Because the housing market is over inflated - take some economics classes and you will see clearly (as Cherri pointed out) that the market is built on false support (built...
  15. greg334


    Oh God you have to hear the crying at U of M, then to have the AP rankings yanked from under them - I am loving it. Maybe we will see some action from them next year for all the money we dumped into the foot ball program.
  16. greg334

    going home soon

    I agree with Cheri 100% without a doubt. TMI on a private matter which is fill in the blank
  17. greg334

    Canadian auto sales set record

    What credit crisis? I have no problems getting credit - been offered too much credit. I think that we must remember that Canada is a foreign country and they have a different market. With that, the US car makers should not get too happy about this and think that things will turn around here in...
  18. greg334

    With how many expedite carriers have you been leased?

    RE: just two > I hate it when they change the rules three weeks after you >sign up with them. huh?
  19. greg334

    Anyone seen UPS trucks yet???

    >UPS is weak. We own them. You do? wow I didn't know that there were any billionaires out here.
  20. greg334


    >one thing i forgot is after they filter it and clean it and >everything they put it in the 40 gallon barrel and use a >shop vac to suck the air out. he says there is a bottom >layer of stuff that is similar to soap. Yep it is the ingredient used in soap, glycerin but not the best stuff to...