Seasoned Expediter
Is it typical to make a living one week and not the next three? I have NEVER turned down a run, I'am alway's on time, I never call dispatch, I never complain. But yet, I never work! I have talked to people who "say" they complain and alway's get run's. I find that hard too believe. Why would a company want u calling them and complaining? Don't they want us to make a living? Yes, I drive a van... When I ask about relocating, I was sent to a city that had 7 vans.That pretty much tell's me that the dispatcher's don't know squat! I'm starting to think that these company's don't care if you can make a living or not.... I love my job, for the fact that I'm self employed, but I can't make a living on 3 run's in 3 week's......... Should I call and complain? I wanna be the nice guy but that's getting pretty tough. If I complain, their will be someone else to take my spot.
I know so be happy with the 150. you clear a week......
I know so be happy with the 150. you clear a week......