NFL Black out Policy


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Sometimes teams do not sell out. This coming Sunday the Jaguars are playing the Tn Titans and 900 more tickets need to be sold by Friday to avoid a blackout.

Why can't the Jaguars buy the tickets,give them away and then recoup the ticket sale revenue. Seems to me it would almost be a wash. They buy 900 tickets and then get the revenue for 900 tickets plus whatever is sold at the concessions which have brutal prices.


Being a Steelers fan, I never have to worry about that. Tickets are impossible to get. Maybe you should root for another team???

Mark and I are working on our plans for that "gift" you sent me!


Veteran Expediter
Rich... happened to the Lions ALL the time.

Anne... I hope you're kidding about changing teams. Fair weather fans have nothing to be proud of. I get asked sometimes when I jumped on the Seahawks bandwagon. Back in '80, baby! Gotta go thru crap to feel the joy! Unless you're a Lions fan... then it's always crap. :(

-True independence can only be gained if you're trully independant.


Veteran Expediter
"happened to the Lions ALL the time."

You mean Happens?

This has been the norm for years (at least going back to the 70's).


Seasoned Expediter
>Being a Steelers fan, I never have to worry about that.
>Tickets are impossible to get. Maybe you should root for
>another team???
>Mark and I are working on our plans for that "gift" you sent
steeler fan lolololololololololololol the real team bengals steeler fan lmao lolololololololololollololol


Been a Steelers fan my entire life. Would never change. The only reason I chose them when I was a little girl is because all 5 of my brothers were Lions fans and my dad was a Browns fan. I wanted to be different and I thought Jack Lambert was so cool.

Samuella- I'm going to the Browns/Bengals game next week, Don't like either team - maybe you should go in my place!! (wanna make a small wager on that game?) Look for me on TV this wekend rooting for my Steelers in Cleveland!


Veteran Expediter
Rich? Why do you think the Lions left the CONFINES of the Silverdoom?

Do you know who many GAMES we had to listen to on the RADIO? Being a fan of this loosing team meant RADIO no TV UNLESS YOU DROVE TO FLINT OR LANSING.