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  1. P

    Screen View

    But the header (as well as the footer) spans out to the full width of my browser window on every single page, not just on the pages where there are issues.... so can't the body of the site be made to extend wider, to the width of whatever browser a person is using?
  2. P

    Osama Bin Laden is DEAD!

    Ya, I should've said, 'no pun intended'. But really, where's the beef?
  3. P

    Birth certificate

    So what are you saying Turtle? Are you saying this point about the layers is not accurate since the birth cert was obtained from a site that is not really the whitehouse?
  4. P

    Osama Bin Laden is DEAD!

    Sure doesn't sound logical to me. That's just not adding up. Where are the pics? Where is the proof for the American people and for the world? As if the Americans wouldn't want to gloat a little bit before dumping the body .... in which body of water?? Something is just fishy with this.
  5. P

    Screen View

    Ah yes, thanks, that is exactly what is causing the issue with each thread that bobwg has posted in! On my PC, it's fine, the entire width of all columns is viewable, but on the Mac, for some reason, the column on the right is cut off (the one that shows ads, 'member area', 'like us on...
  6. P

    Osama Bin Laden is DEAD!

    Taliban threaten US, Pakistan over bin Laden - The Economic Times Harper, Layton react to bin Laden's death - Bin Laden's death received with 'sober satisfaction': Harper | World | News | Toronto Sun Osama bin Laden killed: the world reacts - Telegraph
  7. P

    May 2011 Locations

    nope, but is it really May already??
  8. P

    Screen View

    I don't know what to call it (screen view?) but wanted to mention that on my Mac, the widths are appearing 'off' to me. On some posts, either the poster's sentences are cut off.... (if I have the 'view' size set larger, which I do because many font sizes are too small to bother reading).. or if...
  9. P


    Can you see that Chillout or any other admin did not answer the simple question from the technotard OP? Why is it so dang hard to get an answer around here? Chillout saying 'this is correct' does not tell me the other thoughts posted were not correct and that this is the only place it goes...
  10. P


    Ok, so what was the correction from Chillout??
  11. P

    What are you looking for from a carrier?

    I would like to think that honesty, respect, forthrightness, and perhaps even transparency are things that are high up on the list of what to expect from a carrier.
  12. P

    Requirements for Fed Ex CC

    King780 can you share what caused you to decide to pursue other opportunities and do you mean with other expediting companies, or other business ventures all together?
  13. P

    Requirements for Fed Ex CC

    greg334 you have often alluded to this, but I don't believe you have ever revealed what exactly changed for you. Can you elaborate as to what has changed to allow you to become successful within the Landstar system and what it was that you were doing differently in the past that you are now...
  14. P


    I can't see a correction from Dale, what are you talking about?
  15. P


    So sorry to hear of your large loss. It's incredible, the amount of love and joy a cherished pet can bring.
  16. P

    Requirements for Fed Ex CC

    Forgive me for commenting here about FedEx, it is not my intention to p*ss anyone off... I am just becoming more and more curious/concerned about what is going on over at the Fed. First they change their method of offering loads so that you all receive all of them, even if you can't really...
  17. P

    New Venture

    So........ what happened to the first guy who leased the truck for the first year?
  18. P

    Kate's wedding dress sketched by Project Runway designers

    ...... remember who really runs the world...... is it the Bilderberg Group? (Are there any women in that group?)
  19. P


    Oh, thank you EnglishLady :rolleyes:
  20. P


    Ok, so are you telling me that any post on EO which someone has 'liked', gets posted to a public facebook page? And if that is correct, is that proper? I mean... do the TOS give EO permission to post members' comments elsewhere? Just because someone might choose to be a member of EO and post a...