I thought there *was* something about the size of pics... or maybe I'm thinking about the avatar? I know when I was playing with my old avatar a long time ago, I'm pretty sure it would not appear until it was within the size parameters. Aren't pics the same way?
My questions were not specifically addressed to you, or anyone in particular. Perhaps the owner, Lawrence, could chime in on those occasions when you are not privy to the information being sought by a member. Thanks for your help chillout.
So.............. are you telling me that if I scan a true copy of a government form onto my computer, and then open it in photoshop, I will be able to see all the layers? Like... before it had a signature, and before it had a seal, etc?
By the way.... at the beginning of this video, Obama says, 'The only people who don't want to disclose the truth, are people with something to hide'... did he really SAY that?? (Or is that like, fixed, too??) If he said that, that is hilarious! :D
Yes, the guy on the video gives a pretty convincing argument for people like me who don't know a lot about layers and ocr, etc. so can you comment on what he is saying?
One can not really know which companies are 'reputable' until one deals with said companies. The ones that turn out to not be so 'reputable', can devour one's cash flow; hence the need for factoring.
I have heard (and I believe, even without pictures) of companies (not trucking) going...
Yes, bobwg's posts are fixed now...
But now 'Lawrence's' left column is off (too wide) (not sure why, as it is blocked out) - ok nevermind, it's now fixed!
I guess there's nothing that can be done about pics that are posted that are too large, ie...
It is every single thread in which bobwg has posted a post.
It is also in threads where there is either a too-large photo, or a series of thumbnails.
It is also on the main forum page, due to the columns under the carrier forum. (they don't wrap)
Why not at least dissect and study that brain in the interests of research? If you 'bury' someone at 'sea', (is there a sea or ocean over there at alliamisbad?), can it pop up later? Why not burn it? Just too weird. Sorry, havin trouble with this one. Not that your president and government isn't...
When a post is posted on EO without a link, we are all over the poster to provide the proof. Forgive me and others who would have just liked a little more in the way of proof on this. Perhaps it will come later. They killed him yesterday, and they 'buried' him yesterday. What's the rush? It...
That is obvious (to those who have tried to quote someone without saying much afterward), but it would still be nice if fewer characters were acceptable... sometimes one just wants to <snort> or something, instead of writing a sentence. Ya know? :D
Yes, thank you. I would hope though, that the owners of a site would know what exactly is going on with the features they allow on their site? (ie 'share')?
When one hears it, (they have ALREADY 'buried' the body' wherever), that just sends bells and whistles, for some reason. Does it not give you that same reaction? is the reaction different for those who are in the USA?