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  1. P

    Newbie Expediter set to run for Nations Express but needs van to run with..

    No offense, but good luck with that 'make money' part.
  2. P

    Windows 8

    I'm an XP user, and I LIKE it. I bought both of my boys laptops for Christmas. One came with 7 and one with 8. I also bought one of those 'deals' where if you buy a computer with 7 preloaded, you can buy Windows8 for a very cheap price ($15), so I bought that too, in case the boy with 7 on his...
  3. P

    New owner questions

    Do you mean, 'how much will FECC deduct in the way of taxes and other deductions', or 'how much should YOU deduct from your driver's percentage in the way of taxes and other deductions'? Either way, shouldn't you know more about how this all works before taking on the responsibility of a hiring...
  4. P

    one thing i like about eo

    Only *one* thing you like about EO? So MUCH to like about EO! I like how one can go away for months or years and come back and still feel at home. (among other things!)
  5. P

    Baby butchers admitting prenatal infantacide kills a baby

    Perhaps it is believed the the pro-lifers that these 55,000,000 aborted fetuses would have gone on to be adopted by outstanding families who wanted an adorable, happy, full-term infant. But I think there are adoption papers with perhaps some disclosure.. such as.. this baby was conceived by...
  6. P

    Baby butchers admitting prenatal infantacide kills a baby

    I've always struggled with what I see as certain Americans on EO being contradictory, struggled because I find it very confusing. Black and white, either pro-life or pro-death.. some outspoken members choose pro-life, but yet those same members have been seen on EO to be the first to openly...
  7. P

    Baby butchers admitting prenatal infantacide kills a baby

    So is your answer then 'yes', your God would send a woman to hell for 'choosing' abortion at age 16 (or 11) when she was raped and impregnated by her trusted dad?
  8. P

    Baby butchers admitting prenatal infantacide kills a baby

    Which side are you on LDB? ProLife or ProDeath?
  9. P

    Baby butchers admitting prenatal infantacide kills a baby

    Would your God send a woman to hell for 'choosing' abortion at age 16 (or 11) when she was raped and impregnated by her trusted dad?
  10. P

    Do You Use Facebook?

    I actually know a man who used to dig through his neighbor's bluebox (recycling container), in which the neighbor threw out all of his mail. So good call on the underwear Moot, you never know who might be looting through a city dump one time, and come across your skivvies eh?
  11. P

    Should you run for Multiple Carriers? Read this first!

    Exactly what I was trying to say..... but you said it better... :)
  12. P

    Should you run for Multiple Carriers? Read this first!

    It wasn't posted here on the forum responses, but it was posted as a response directly onto the article. It was noted that some might cut corners to reduce costs to help make their business profitable (such as by not having appropriate insurance), and the question was raised as to what is an O/O...
  13. P

    Do You Use Facebook?

    I would 'like' your post, but... I hesitate to push that button..
  14. P

    I am ANGRY....and do not know where to direct it.....

    Man, now you've got ME really p*ssed off with nowhere to direct it! Thankfully you got some good advice here!
  15. P

    Canadian expediting - East Coast home base

    Just say no. You've got too much going against you right off the bat: i)straight truck (may limit your options, due to weight/size capabilities) ii)Canadian (no inter-stating within the USA) iii)your location (expect lots of deadhead) Unless you set up a great contract(s) with a manufacturer(s)...
  16. P

    Do You Use Facebook?

    Facebook is just dang scary. I personally can't believe how many people are just all too willing to use it, and not realize or understand the implications of their loss of privacy. Yesterday, I really really wanted to make my long-winded post here on EO... I had it all typed, as shortened as I...
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    Long winded

    Hi again, I visited recently and wanted to ask for your feedback on something.. and then it took awhile to have the time to figure out exactly what my issue is, or how to put it into words.. and now I have it.. but when I start typing it, it turns out sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...
  18. P

    Oh GOD I miss you guys!

    I've been back working at a 'real job' (haha, no offence of course, but I'm sure y'all know what I mean!!!) Thanks for missing me too! I really do miss you guys! I am really happy to see many/most of you still here! By the way, there are FIVE j's in pjjjjj! I used my most easy pw, so no prob to...
  19. P

    Oh GOD I miss you guys!

    All the conversation and comments about correct grammar and reported incidences of being approached for cash and the locations and all the infighting, OMG it's been so long! Just popped in to say HI, miss you guys! I see many/most of you are still putting up the good fight with this expediting...
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    Chinese Drywall

    Obviously there have been lots of issues with lots of products and shouldn't that just be enough already? What is the MATTER with us?