Baby butchers admitting prenatal infantacide kills a baby


Veteran Expediter
No more lies? The very first quote in the linked article is a lie: "The first question every woman asks is 'Am I killing my baby'?"
I know many women who've had an abortion, and not a single one of them asked that question, first thing or otherwise.
I've also carried two babies and delivered them. The time [during pregnancy] when they become 'babies' in the mother's mind and heart varies, but it doesn't happen when the test results are positive. It's a process, not an instantaneous transition.
You can call a 4-6 week foetus a baby, but you're only fooling yourself.
he need to use emotional imagery such as 'baby butchers' and 'infanticide' is just further proof of how weak your argument really is.



Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Pro life, pro death. Those are the two choices. The left loves to create new vocabulary and to redefine things to cloak the true definitions and intentions which would be received and supported in a far less enthusiastic way. They count on gullibility and being able to lead others down their desired path by doing so. There is no pro choice in this hunt, just pro life or pro death.


Veteran Expediter
Pro life, pro death. Those are the two choices.

We've read enough of your suggestions for dealing with those you believe to be a 'waste of oxygen' to know which side you are on - at least when the subject is real, actual people.

The left loves to create new vocabulary and to redefine things to cloak the true definitions and intentions which would be received and supported in a far less enthusiastic way. They count on gullibility and being able to lead others down their desired path by doing so. There is no pro choice in this hunt, just pro life or pro death.

Says the person who refers to pro choice as pro death, lol.
There is nothing the left could even dream of redefining as egregiously as the right's co opting of 'family' to reflect their particular values. Like defending marriage from the dangers of gay people.
They seem to have belatedly noticed that an awful lot of actual families don't care for the attempt to change the definition of who & what a family is these days, as they've quit trumpeting the
'family values' theme lately.
It's funny, though, how long it takes for them to get the message - like when the last VP wannabe used Rage Against The Machine's music at campaign events, until the band told them to quit, because "You are the 'machine' we've been raging against for 30 years now!"

Retarded means slow, and that's exactly what they are, most of the time.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
What is the opposite of life?

A. death

B. choice

C. forma

D. sports

E. am

I am not the one incorrectly labeling one side of the discussion.


Veteran Expediter
'Life' being generally, historically, and universally accepted as the period from birth until death, yes, you are.


Veteran Expediter
US Navy
Since abortion is an earthly decision , can that decision be earthly right and heavenly wrong? I would guess that women approve of abortions, because they are the only ones having them at the moment. The answer will someday be given at heavens gate --- if earthly abortions were right or wrong. Anyone want to take God on , on that, not me....I got enough issues as it is. We shall all ,,,all, reap what we sow here, be careful..........................


Veteran Expediter
Since abortion is an earthly decision , can that decision be earthly right and heavenly wrong? I would guess that women approve of abortions, because they are the only ones having them at the moment. The answer will someday be given at heavens gate --- if earthly abortions were right or wrong. Anyone want to take God on , on that, not me....I got enough issues as it is. We shall all ,,,all, reap what we sow here, be careful..........................
That's insufficient. We wouldn't say anything like that about other forms of murder, or rape. The lives of individual babies are being snuffed out. If your wife were raped and murdered, would you be happy to wait until Judgment Day for justice?


Seasoned Expediter
That's insufficient. We wouldn't say anything like that about other forms of murder, or rape. The lives of individual babies are being snuffed out. If your wife were raped and murdered, would you be happy to wait until Judgment Day for justice?

Justice is for the Lord... Peace be with you.


Veteran Expediter
Justice is for the Lord... Peace be with you.
An ignorant statement and absolutely false. The Lord has commanded us to do justice here on Earth. It is throughout both testaments. W expect the courts to render justice. They must be fixed so they do so again.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Pro life, pro death. Those are the two choices.
Sorry, no. There is also "mind your own business" as a choice. Granted, I realize that's not a choice for many, but it is nevertheless one of the additional options, in addition to abject ambivalence, among others.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
That's insufficient. We wouldn't say anything like that about other forms of murder, or rape. The lives of individual babies are being snuffed out. If your wife were raped and murdered, would you be happy to wait until Judgment Day for justice?
If you look up "logical fallacy" in the encyclopedia, you'll fine that paragraph as a textbook example of five of them. Wow.


Veteran Expediter
Pro life, pro death. Those are the two choices. The left loves to create new vocabulary and to redefine things to cloak the true definitions and intentions which would be received and supported in a far less enthusiastic way. They count on gullibility and being able to lead others down their desired path by doing so. There is no pro choice in this hunt, just pro life or pro death.

If those actually were the only choices, anyone who accepts killing for any reason, including self defense, war, capital punishment, is de facto pro death.
You can't have it both ways: if you make exceptions, the only question is which exceptions are legitimate.
You're entitled to your opinions and values, but you're not entitled to impose them upon others who believe differently.


Seasoned Expediter
An ignorant statement and absolutely false. The Lord has commanded us to do justice here on Earth. It is throughout both testaments. W expect the courts to render justice. They must be fixed so they do so again.

Turn the other cheek. Peter, put away the sword...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
For those who prefer nit picking, pro life, pro death. Those are the two sides of the coin. Pro choice is not the opposite of pro life. It is the thought process of the left and their talking point but not the opposite of pro life. Pro death has it's place when dealing with defense and the guilty. It has no place when dealing with the innocent.


Veteran Expediter
.... I would guess that women approve of abortions, because they are the only ones having them at the moment. The answer will someday be given at heavens gate --- if earthly abortions were right or wrong. Anyone want to take God on , on that, not me....I got enough issues as it is. We shall all ,,,all, reap what we sow here, be careful..........................

Would your God send a woman to hell for 'choosing' abortion at age 16 (or 11) when she was raped and impregnated by her trusted dad?