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  1. O

    $1 looks to be working out....

    Fedex - all huge companies - are looking out for the stock holders first, second and third; employees, contracters are at the bottom of that list. I know there are tons of threads about the $1.00 flat rate...just curious if that is just for cv's, if it is plus a fsc, and if straight trucks &...
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    Where to start.....

    I suppose some people pay cash, I believe I would prefer to use as little of my cash as I can and deduct the interest....but thanks for the concern.
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    Straight Truck Pay

    This was years ago, so no, afraid I did not share the info, and no, I did not get the money back (at least it wasn't $4 a gallon like now). With the internet and all these forums, that sort of information would be easier to share these days, and the technology may even make it easier to catch...
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    When does being a Newbie cease ?

    Speaking of thinking, did you ever stop to think....and then forget to start again?
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    Straight Truck Pay

    I had a guy once use my fuel card to buy fuel for another truck and I'm sure he got a good piece of change and I got the bill. So, I'll go the route that has the driver paying for the fuel - as you say, he then has the incentive to drive more responsibly and will end up making more, anyway.
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    Where to start.....

    Thanks - I think the job (picking up & delivering the freight) is the easy part. The more difficult part is dealing with all the other issues that go along with that. I do like your motto, though - Drive less, make more.
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    Where to start.....

    I am hoping to get back into this business after nearly 20 years of sitting behind a desk...and at first I am hoping to just be the owner, not the operator. But, I am fast learning that things have changed a lot since I was involved (owned several tractors leased to different companies and also...
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    Questions for fleet owners/drivers

    Thanks for all of your help. I was thinking straight truck from the start but wanted some reinforcement. I'll save the sprinter or cargo van when/if I ever decide to drive again...talking to Panther tomorrow so curious to see what they say.
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    Questions for fleet owners/drivers

    I'll try this here as I didn't get any response in the newbie section - just looking for general info, thoughts, not so much specifics - I know those need to be worked out with the company, whichever one I choose. I was in trucking nearly 20 years ago (cargo van with CTX plus several tractors...
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    Questions for fleet owners/drivers

    I was in trucking nearly 20 years ago (cargo van with CTX plus several tractors with non-expeditors), am strongly considering getting back into it as a fleet owner to supplement my income (plus, I like it and miss it). I am sure a lot of things have changed and just wanted to pick some well...