Sylectus sells/leases a software service that links loads to trucks and can handle a lot of the accounting and payroll. Period.
Although that company has changed VASTLY since its inception, one thing that has been made crystal clear over the last 7-8 years is that they are a software company...
None. I don't bother with the preface. I just come right out with my opinion, real rude like. I'm that kind of Irish arsehole. Just ask Sally. She'll tell you. ;)
I seriously DOUBT John is going to close NE doors. If anything else, you'd be in a better position, assuming NE drivers get preference on L1 loads, and vice-versa.
Posted as if they're proud of the rate.
I guess it keeps the phone from ringing and cuts down on the emails. LOL!!
Pays : U$400.00
Miles: 473
Pieces: 1
Weight: 154
Dims: 32x30x25 in.