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  1. cheri1122

    Share the road, not the tollbooth!

    Remember to drive nice! Because, no matter how bad the day is going, it could always be worse...See next photo, lol. :P
  2. cheri1122

    An interesting study

    A recent National Science Foundation study found a correlation between the size of the balls in recreational activities, and the income of the recreants (if that's the word I want) Unemployed or incarcerated people prefer basketball. Maintenance level people enjoy bowling. Front line employees...
  3. cheri1122

    One to sing loud (& off key)

    O, give me a run Where construction's all done, And the traffic jams are far away, Where I won't spend my time Just waiting in line, And the slow pokes get out of my way! Home, home, on the road, Going to deliver this load, I'll drive here to there, How far? I don't care - (I had a...
  4. cheri1122

    The First Dumb Blonde Guy joke

    Three construction workers are sitting on the 15th floor, beginning lunch break. The Mexican guy opens his lunch, says "Burritos again! I swear, if I have to eat burritos one more time, I'll walk off the edge!" The Italian guy opens his lunch, says "Pastrami again! If I have to eat pastrami one...