Search results

  1. hazmat

    March - big money, big money - no whammys!!!

    Delivered safe and sound yesterday in Columbus IN... Super Nice "Peeps" at the consignee... Didn't have long enough forks to unload the pipe with the skid, so we helped them unload by hand... :)
  2. hazmat

    March 2016, where are you going ??

    Murray's Magic 8 Ball worked... Loaded up this morning with 125 lbs of galvanized pipe in Laredo delivering direct to Columbus IN ;)
  3. hazmat

    March - big money, big money - no whammys!!!

    Well since Janet is driving, I can post now... The Magic 8 Ball worked, we got the "booked" text this morning... Laredo TX to Columbus IN - 125 lbs. - Deliver Direct... Janet was bummed about leaving her tropical paradise and I assured her we would have plenty more opportunities for her to...
  4. hazmat

    March - big money, big money - no whammys!!!

    Sitting in Laredo hoping for Murray's Magic 8 Ball to be calibrated and get us a load outta here today :)
  5. hazmat

    March 2016, where are you going ??

    We took a load Tuesday from Owensville MO to Laredo TX... Delivered Wednesday in the afternoon... Gonna be in the 90's today... Hopefully Murray's Magic 8 Ball is working so we can get a load out of here today...
  6. hazmat

    March - big money, big money - no whammys!!!

    Thumbs up on the 64* :) - Thumbs down on the transmission issue :(
  7. hazmat

    March - big money, big money - no whammys!!!

    It's sleeting and snowing here in Missouri this morning...
  8. hazmat

    February 2016 locations

    Are you at Falcon Products/Manufacturing????
  9. hazmat

    February 2016 locations

    Moved over to Bordentown after our delivery to the nuke plant yesterday and got a load from Somerset NJ to East Butler PA... Delivered this am and now time for a few zzzzzzz before the next one...
  10. hazmat

    February 2016 locations

    Unfortunately NJ must have worse drivers than where you lived before and also they are notorious for breaking out van windows!!! :D
  11. hazmat

    February 2016 locations

    Ouch!!! :eek: Don't worry Murray & Sally will be more than happy to take that increase in costs out of their cut... :D
  12. hazmat

    February at Team Crossroads Express

    Welcome Mr & Mrs Worn Out Manager to Team CRE!!!
  13. hazmat

    February 2016 locations

    We made it here safe and sound... Now we'll see if we glow in the dark when we leave.?.?.? ;)
  14. hazmat

    February at Team Crossroads Express

    We've made it here in one piece... Now to see if we glow in the dark after we leave... ; )
  15. hazmat

    February 2016 locations

    Hopefully a nuclear power plant.?.?.? We are scheduled to deliver Monday morning and are currently in Tennesse... Should be in your area sometime Sunday...
  16. hazmat

    February 2016 locations

    We're a little behind on posting... Tuesday - Moberly MO to Gainesville TX Wednesday - Went to the Big WinStar Casino - Winner Winner Chicken Dinner Thursday - Rested from the awesome casino trip Today - Gainesville TX to FORKED RIVER NJ for Monday Delivery... ;)
  17. hazmat

    February 2016 locations

    Um yea not the best area at night to be... We could meet you around the 44 & 270 area if you would like to meet up for lunch??? We'll even buy :)
  18. hazmat

    February 2016 locations

    We're sitting in Pacific, where are you... Maryland Heights area if you delivered to the post???
  19. hazmat

    February 2016 locations

    It's a little froggy in Missouri this morning...
  20. hazmat

    February 2016 locations

    I've said it once and I'll say it again... Gotta love gas prices in Mighty MO :)