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  1. cheri1122

    Al?? Eric?? Barack??

    Really - this is just pathetic, that you would post this with the title you chose, and the questions you posed. The racism is beyond blatant. You can probably find thousands of vid clips on YouTube that you believe prove your point [but they don't] and someone else can find thousands that...
  2. cheri1122

    Two Ferguson, MO Policemen Ambushed: Anyone Surprised?

    Hilarious. 1: Smoking pot is not known to make anyone aggressive - to the contrary, it tends to have a mellowing effect. This has been proven many times over, so it hardly adds credence to the "aggressive thug" persona you promote. 2:Wilson didn't shoot Brown during that altercation, but after...
  3. cheri1122

    dirrence between life of an expediter vs an OTR driver

    If the OTR driver is an employee, as many are, he has no choice in which loads to take: if it's sent to his truck, he is on it. They are usually promised home every oher weekend, and that promise is kept - though they may be required to begin the weekend with picking up a preloaded trailer on...
  4. cheri1122

    Two Ferguson, MO Policemen Ambushed: Anyone Surprised?

    A decision to prosecute [or not] can also be either political or pragmatic, neither of which says anything about guilt or lack of. The decision to not prosecute doesn't mean: ipso facto, not guilty, as some present it.
  5. cheri1122

    22 Maps That Show How Americans Speak English Totally Differently From One Another

    Re: 22 Maps That Show How Americans Speak English Totally Differently From One Anothe As several people noted in the comments, the plural for 'you' in Western Pa is 'yinz' [sometimes pronounced 'yunz']. Pittsburghers also have a neat way of adding a 'w' to words like Mom, so it sounds like...
  6. cheri1122

    Two Ferguson, MO Policemen Ambushed: Anyone Surprised?

    I have read some, not all, and not exhaustively. I discount "eyewitness" testimony, [unreliable, contradictory], so how about if you point out exactly which facts prove that the officer was in fear at the moment he shot? Please tell me you don't believe that a decision not to prosecute can be...
  7. cheri1122

    Two Ferguson, MO Policemen Ambushed: Anyone Surprised?

    You're probably right, in that Rosa Parks wasn't the first, but still, she is the one whose name is instantly connected to civil disobedience that got results. Sometimes, that's the only thing left to try, so I can understand the mindset of people who feel pushed to that degree.
  8. cheri1122

    Two Ferguson, MO Policemen Ambushed: Anyone Surprised?

    Brown would also still be alive if the officer hadn't shot him when he was neither close enough to inflict damage, nor clearly attempting/intending to do so. The shooting occurred only after the physical altercation, when Brown was not close enough to attack, and not doing anything that...
  9. cheri1122

    Two Ferguson, MO Policemen Ambushed: Anyone Surprised?

    I wasn't referring specifically to Micheal Brown, although, he may have had a lot of the same mindset: "I've had enough of being treated like trash because I'm not white." If you recall, the Officer didn't know about the robbery when he initially told Brown to get out of the road. What I meant...
  10. cheri1122

    Kentucky native wins Medal of Honor

    Sarah Palin's Family Fight -- But Occifer, They Started It ... Says Bombed Bristol | I guess we have quite different ideas of what constitutes a "good and decent family", lol. Anyone who earned a Medal of Honor probably deserves better than the Palins, IMO, but then, love certainly...
  11. cheri1122

    Frost laws

    Does anyone know of a map that shows the streets/roads under frost law restrictions? I tried the Michigan .gov site, they have lists of them, if you click on the county, which is great if you're local, but doesn't help if you don't know where they are. [Aside: why do road signs also assume you...
  12. cheri1122

    Rightwing on the defensive in final week of Israeli election campaign

    Judging by his Facebook posts/feed, he has little interest in politics, or driving. He is immersed in several other ventures that satisfy him, instead. And for the record, I miss his input too.
  13. cheri1122

    Two Ferguson, MO Policemen Ambushed: Anyone Surprised?

    Another simple truth that isn't acknowledged: all the teaching in the world won't matter when one is overcome by panic. PS Compliance with lawful orders didn't do much for Rosa Parks. I, for one, am glad she finally refused to comply with lawful orders.
  14. cheri1122

    Over night in Cadiz, KY

    I don't think "the media" really cares much about what we believe, they care about getting us to buy their paper/magazine, watch their program/advertising, click on their sites, IOW: give them the statistics to justify charging advertisers. Or to increase the rates charged. People helping...
  15. cheri1122

    Two Ferguson, MO Policemen Ambushed: Anyone Surprised?

    Because after all, compliance is the goal - when everyone complies, it will all be good.
  16. cheri1122

    Stupid Is As Stupid Does and Another Media Feeding Frenzy is Under Way

    I have to agree with Turtle: I deplore what they said [sang, actually], but I too, would defend their right to say it, because : free speech. Which also protects the rights of those who would respond with whatever they feel appropriate. The racism, excessive drinking, rape culture, 'hazing' -...
  17. cheri1122

    Two Ferguson, MO Policemen Ambushed: Anyone Surprised?

    I find it very telling that Barkley doesn't see racist emails [and jokes, no doubt] as being racist if one simply forwards them to others. "Hey, I'm not racist - I didn't write that joke! I merely liked it enough to pass it along to friends/colleagues who could also enjoy it." Some people...
  18. cheri1122

    New Husband and wife Team

    Welcome! I can't offer any advice that you're looking for, [I'm not with FedEx, or a team], but I can offer some that you weren't: duplicate posts in different forums is not a good idea. Responses get divided between them, and any conversation that ensues is likely to be, um, schizophrenic, kind...
  19. cheri1122

    Israeli vs US leadership

    It will be interesting to watch the lack of meaningful consequences for the Senators' act of treason. Depressing, but interesting.
  20. cheri1122

    Evil has a face - ok, two of them

    The majority of Americans don't want their intelligence insulted by applying Biblical admonitions to our laws. What you "believe" [ie: sexual "perversion'] is your business, but the government belongs to us all.