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  1. TeamCaffee

    What Do You Listen To?

    There is not enough driving time in the day to listen to all the great books out there! We have the perfect job to get all of the education to have a masters degree and still have time to listen to fun books.
  2. TeamCaffee

    Flying J Files Bankruptcy

    Had a friend call us that was going through Florida and stopped at three different J's and all had the fuel islands blocked off. Has anyone else seen anything like this?
  3. TeamCaffee

    2009 Mid-America Trucking Show

    There are so many people at MATS it is very difficult to find people you should recognize much less someone you do not know. We need a really bright lanyard maybe to identify us EO Groupies that is totally different then all the others that are given away. Maybe a cool bag to carry around...
  4. TeamCaffee

    Mouth Wash

    Great Turtle thanks for defining this subject clears up a lot of misconceptions.
  5. TeamCaffee

    Per Diem

    pelicn thanks for correcting those figures I thought I might be off on that. We do not take the per diem deductions like salesmen do.
  6. TeamCaffee

    Per Diem

    Why do you need per diem for each state? I believe the deduction is $58.00 in the US per day per team member when away from the house; I am not sure what the Canada Per Diem is. This is a good post on why you need a good truck accountant.
  7. TeamCaffee

    Mouth Wash

    I purchased ACT and it has as the second ingredient 11% alcohol.
  8. TeamCaffee

    Mouth Wash

    It is not easy to find a mouthwash without alcohol so if you have mouthwash in the truck you might want to dispose of it.
  9. TeamCaffee

    Mouth Wash

    I was not paying attention today and bought mouthwash with 22% alcohol in it. I have always been told that you need to buy mouthwash with no alcohol in it to keep from getting a possible positive alcohol breath test. So the mouthwash will stay with our daughter and I will buy more mouthwash...