There is NO reason to be FORCED to buy insurance that does not suit the need, be mandated to pay for coverage we don't need and then pay FAR MORE for the policy that we don't want in the first place.
We had one that we COULD afford, covered what WE needed covered and nothing that we did NOT...
We have been in TVAL for 7 years, temp control for 9, these are the LOWEST we have seen rates since we have been in business. I am SO glad right now that we have not bought a new truck.
KY to NY today, then MA to NY on Friday. Then a LONG weekend. Mrs. Layoutshooter and I are shutting down until Tues. We are going to celebrate our 41st wedding anniversary.
It should go somewhere. Obama is very much out of control. He has no legal right to change laws, not enforce laws, etc, that have been passed and signed. He is overstepping his bounds and it is the job of the house to reign this despot wannabe in.
How else would you suggest they do that? I...
Obama did not put Hillary in a corner, like that article said. Hillary COULD have been a stand up person and told the truth about everything, election or not. She is just another political hooker.
The press is now an extension of the Federal Government. They no longer even pretend to be the watchdog of freedom, their role is now to protect the "Rulers".
A Sec of State who is dodging responsibility for her failure in Benghazi. The press will not even mention it, unless only in passing, and she, and Obama, are going to get away with it. Just as Carter did. These people are just evil.
I don't know about anyone else, but I don't think I would want to be handling 6-8 thousand pounds, I KNOW my pallet jack could not, and even IF I could, I don't WANT too!
I did not say that it was the press that downed him, I said that they hated him and would have done whatever they could to help the process.
Obama has even LOWER ratings, is stepping all OVER the Constitution and the press is kissing his donkey behind.
Actually, I did not pay that much...