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  1. brokcanadian

    Bring on Turkey-vember

    Birds here sound like a car alarm. He's getting a rock thrown in his direction of I can't get to sleep lol
  2. brokcanadian

    Bring on Turkey-vember

    Google drove. 180 thru NM then 62/180 to El Paso (I think) Yep mountains! Lots of eye candy in the daylight Unloaded and about to snooze at the J. Not as many vans as I expected, good prospects for me
  3. brokcanadian

    Bring on Turkey-vember

    That's for the way back if there's time, 2000 miles later I shouldn't have added NM :D 18 min extra according to Google more like an hour and a half... Waiting for 7 am local, broker got confused about time difference, El Paso is 2 behind...
  4. brokcanadian

    Bring on Turkey-vember

    El Paso! Got a surprise when I hit the Guadalupe mountain pass in the dark (went thru NM) you know there's trouble when they've got permanent wind warning signs. Sprinter was flippy...thought it was a mistake until I saw the view of El Paso stretching out between the
  5. brokcanadian

    Bring on Turkey-vember

    My first tamales, rice and beans. Are you supposed to eat the skin stuff? Doesn't taste like it...
  6. brokcanadian

    Bring on Turkey-vember

    Ever just stay in bed because you can? Good morning from Oklahoma City Edit: saw a new one in the Pilot. Guy ordered a slice and ate the toppings off, then wanted another free one (same kind) because something was wrong with the crust :p
  7. brokcanadian

    Bring on Turkey-vember

    1.99 diesel at Conoco right off 44, near Joplin (hwy 43) if that helps anybody. Dunno if it's the winter blend or the wind as I head west, but I've got a low of 18 mpg on this trip and I need all the help I can get Worst price was 2.26 in OH then 2.05 now 1.99...its going in the right direction...
  8. brokcanadian

    Bring on Turkey-vember

    Paul Simon freeway? Really? Inching my way across the US since 7 PM yesterday after realizing I didn't have to go straight thru Everything looks pretty much like Ontario. ..till I saw this arch thingy :D
  9. brokcanadian

    Birthday! Happy Birthday, brokcanadian !!!

    Thanks for the birthday wishes! Got what I wanted, money :D
  10. brokcanadian

    Bring on Turkey-vember

    Nope. As long as there's no rubber gloves involved o_O it can't be worse than crossing the Canada/US border twice a day And thanks...if I want to cross Kansas off my list I can always do it on the way back if there's more time
  11. brokcanadian

    Bring on Turkey-vember

  12. brokcanadian

    Bring on Turkey-vember

    Assuming you started in Michigan is Kansas or Oklahoma a better drive? actually I've never been farther than Georgia
  13. brokcanadian

    Bring on Turkey-vember

    Definitely want to go. Would suck to run out of gas money there...thats 4400 miles round trip assuming I can get a return near home..
  14. brokcanadian

    Bring on Turkey-vember

    Holy crap that's far I just checked (El Paso)
  15. brokcanadian

    Bring on Turkey-vember

    My home base to El Paso, TX. Thanks for taking the weekend off guys:D:D
  16. brokcanadian

    Bring on Turkey-vember

    Watch out in PA. Not much salt in that mix they use, usually it just makes it ice up better
  17. brokcanadian

    Bring on Turkey-vember

    Factory. (hydronic with 2 hour timer) It's a tight fit across the front seats so I stretch out with the cargo I noticed it doesn't put out a huge amount like an air heater
  18. brokcanadian

    Bring on Turkey-vember

    Tried sleeping last night. So far the sleeping bag over the head method is working out. How do I get the espar heat to the back? My idea is to take out the partition window and hang my portable fantastic fan there...
  19. brokcanadian

    Bring on Turkey-vember

    As usual the snow turned off when I crossed the border into Canada :)
  20. brokcanadian

    Winter Weather

    This forum is anti winter I see Lake effect crap has begun on I90 between Cleveland and Buffalo