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  1. D

    Doing my research: have questions

    Sprinterish cargo Van's do not need a cdl to drive which is why there are always so many warm bodys driving them..... Sprinterish van No cdl No hours of service Can go just about anywhere Do to hours...
  2. D

    Hino 268 crank no start

    Double check all ground wires. Physically pull and look at each fuse. Then test the battery.
  3. D

    Straight vs sprinter

    Your welcome
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    Death by DeSantis

    Desantis/Jordan ticket.......
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    Death by DeSantis

    Wow desantis won 1.2 million votes
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    Death by DeSantis

    He said hes not running for president.
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    Anyone know what my truck is worth?

    What is the mileage on it?
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    Anyone know what my truck is worth?

    Its clean looking.
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    Death by DeSantis

    Not surprising that he won.
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    Cargo Van Will a Wet wreckless in 2017 keep me from becoming an expiditer

    In the 11 years I drove I got 2 loads one going into las Vegas and one going to middle of nowhere Nevada.
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    Diesel price versus cost, or whose $20 is that?

    You guys make me glad I drove a sprinter.
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    Sleeping options

    Heating and air conditioning might be a problem... but I would ask a dot officer. If you could get it from the factory with something built in it might pass.
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    The Trump Card...

    Trump/desantis ticket would burn the Democrat party to the ground......and you are all worried should it happen.
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    Straight vs sprinter

    Is the straight truck going to have a sleeper or is it going to be a daycab? I mean straight trucks have hours of service and log book and weight stations to deal with. Sprinters only have to deal with that if they carry haz mat. Other wise sprinters I would look at a small...
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    The Fake News Depot

    They complained about the cost of the wall but dropped 7 trillion dollars on their projects.
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    The Fake News Depot

    All I hear out of their mouths is hate and fear....they know the people are tired of working for so little but they still keep doing the same old thing which is spend....spend....spend.
  17. D

    What’s up with true team

    Yup because east coast is 90% toll road for major roadways.
  18. D

    2 weeks notice?

    Owner operators own the van. Drivers work for you driving the van. O/o get 1099 tax forms Drivers get w2 tax forms
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    Death by DeSantis

    Maybe he actually listened to their problems and didn't outright ignore them.
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    Death by DeSantis

    Desantis has done a much better job in Florida than all of the Democrat governors combined.....