I would probably take the van that's outfitted more comfortable. 50% of gross needs nailed down. Does that mean they keep half of hand loads, delay time, fuel, get exact info. No one can promise x miles a week. I would ask for numbers of former and current drivers from both and talk to them.
The j in Denver has always had a lot of homeless people. I haven't personally noticed any difference. People that are buying legal weed were buying illegal weed before for the most part so I'm not sure how it would affect the amount of homeless.
I have heard of this happening with sprinters. I've put on probably 700,000 miles maybe more between two of them and never had a problem. Curious what tires and air pressure are you running?
Often you can get insurance cheaper through a carrier than on your own. Load 1 and some others have a waiting list, some require experience. I would talk to some recruiters before spending a dime.
Like n time said often shippers request sprinter type vans regardless of the freight. The idea that it would fit in a cargo van doesn't make any difference. It's easier for them to load and if the freight happens to grow before you get loaded it still fits. Besides standing up to put your pants...
I think every 5,000 would be fine. I do know shops that say don't let the low def light come on so keep that in mind. It used to be 10,000 in the book, big change.
Over 10001 you still have to scale, empty or loaded. If you don't want to pay for the right insurance then you shouldnt.be hauling for pay. I kinda doubt I don't want to is a legal excuse
Have you drove other vehicles in this business? Why do you feel they are better, often if someone is hauling 5 or 6 pallets there is a good chance they are overweight, I wouldn't think a 16 foot box with a bunk has much weight capacity left before hitting 10,001. Have you scaled it without...