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  1. dieseldiva

    About This Birth Certificate....

    Hmm....that's the first I've heard of the "Granny" story but he did make a reference to her being a "typical white woman" that was afraid when she met a black man on the street....hmmm. Then there's the thing that many black babies actually look white for a few days....when I was in the hospital...
  2. dieseldiva

    More Honesty From Glenn Beck

    Bill W????:confused:
  3. dieseldiva

    More Honesty From Glenn Beck

    Be too will have Beck living in your head rent free...just ask Witness....:rolleyes::rolleyes:
  4. dieseldiva

    More Honesty From Glenn Beck

    Mark Levin is one of those that Beck has used without giving proper credit. It seems like it would be simple enough to quickly give a hat tip and move on.
  5. dieseldiva

    About This Birth Certificate....

    There's been so much said or written about Obama's birth certificate or lack of and the recent rumblings of Donald Trump has brought it back to the fore front. One of the things that has bothered me about the left's response was how quickly they make the nonsense argument about how impossible it...
  6. dieseldiva

    Sarah Palin's 'grand slam' anti-union speech

    I do and will continue to "insulate" myself in conservatism and I don't consider myself blind to any other line of thinking.....I see and hear and read what's on the other side and I choose to remain where I am.
  7. dieseldiva

    Sarah Palin's 'grand slam' anti-union speech

    This is what I saw from Madison.... Or maybe this one from Oregon....funny, I thought all the racists were with the tea party.....guess I was wrong.... Or maybe this guy who's found a new use for our beloved flag.... Now the next time anyone here decides to start flinging crap about the...
  8. dieseldiva

    US warned on top credit rating by Standard & Poor's

    You're stuttering again.....:p:p
  9. dieseldiva

    US warned on top credit rating by Standard & Poor's

    I'm going to be fair here and say that it didn't start with him and it probably won't end with him....we're suffering from decades of runaway spending and if they ALL don't get their acts together, we're screwed big time.
  10. dieseldiva

    If you were President for a day-

    I'd give that beautiful dog, Bo to the King family in Ohio. (who would promptly rename him!)
  11. dieseldiva

    EPA......Rope A Dope....

    When it's used as a dumping station for all of the environmental legislation they can't get through congress then it has too much power......just one of the many that need to go.
  12. dieseldiva

    EPA......Rope A Dope....

    I think one of the most interesting chapters in Mark Levin's "Liberty and Tyranny" was the one about the EPA.....what a mess!
  13. dieseldiva

    EPA......Rope A Dope....

    Which is it.....yes or no....
  14. dieseldiva

    "Atlas Shrugged"

    That page has a link to the theaters that are showing the movie, starting today.
  15. dieseldiva

    Removing and Locking Out Threads

    Now there ya go, bragging about your weight loss again...makes the rest of us large people feel.....well.....LARGE!:D
  16. dieseldiva

    "Atlas Shrugged"

    This is my first read from Miss Rand, have some of her others on my kindle but haven't gotten to them yet. Have you looked at some of her interviews on youtube? Some interesting stuff there too, I watched one with Phil Donahue....I think I'll go back and take a look at those again.
  17. dieseldiva

    "Atlas Shrugged"

    The same could be said of any movie that is made from the book...the book is almost always said to be "better" than the movie, well of course, the book has the luxury of detail. The movie is supposed to be shown in three parts.....might be interesting.
  18. dieseldiva

    "Atlas Shrugged"

    THIS is a clip of "Atlas Shrugged", the movie. I'm reading the book right now and it's quite interesting.
  19. dieseldiva

    Removing and Locking Out Threads

    I think moderators get "stale" if kept too long. Perhaps rotating those responsibilities to some of the other members would shake things up a bit and give the others a chance to participate. When you think of how long this forum has been here and how many changes in moderators have been made...
  20. dieseldiva

    Left not standing for what they say..

    YOU.....are correct! :D When explained PROPERLY, without distortions and fear, I think most tea partiers would agree that ss and medicare need reform and when that is done on a gradual level, would agree with it. It's all in the presentation....IMHO......Oh, and they're not all your...