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  1. TeamCaffee

    Sturdy Steps

    This is the one we actually bought to go by our Flying Pig! Wow posting pictures is fun.
  2. TeamCaffee

    Sturdy Steps

    I hope that with the help of the computer guru Cheri I have mastered posting pictures! Imagine only one of these steps now on your DOT bumper.
  3. TeamCaffee

    Looking into Hot Shoting

    Tom, you are going to have to clarify what you consider being a hotshot is. If you are looking at expediting read and read and then read a little more on the forums and also in the Newbie FAQ area. If you are wanting to use a pickup and trailer we cannot help you much.
  4. TeamCaffee

    A Great Day in Expedite Trucking

    Hey Jim I was really taking a picture of you and just accidently got the truck in the backgound...
  5. TeamCaffee

    Sturdy Steps

    This small company also had those steps and even steps to get into the back of a pickup that where really nice. Sure hoping they will get a booth at the Expo.
  6. TeamCaffee

    Keeping the laughter out!!

    Ear Plugs are a life saver when trying to sleep while your better half is driving and listening to the comedy channel. Imagine you are sleeping away and you cannot hear the XM Radio but all of the sudden you hear great shouts of laughter. I have thought of strangling him but then would have to...
  7. TeamCaffee


    Thank you Coco for helping me with the Women's Forum your help will be missed. I noticed that you have taken FedEx of your sig line have you found greener pastures?
  8. TeamCaffee

    Exercise on the truck

    Lucy, How much does the walker weigh? Also does it fold up at all? We do not have a lot of room and I don't believe it will work behind our seats. We still have not been by a Wal-Mart to see one yet. Sure was great to see you and Sam at the Expo.
  9. TeamCaffee

    Women In Trucking

    While attending MATS we where invited to a reception for a brand new organization! Women In Trucking or WIT. I have been in contact with several of the board members to make sure they recognize all of us women that are in straight trucks or vans. Several of us joined by going to one of the...
  10. TeamCaffee


    What a great idea! A membership only truck stop boy we would be right there and we would be willing to pay rather well for this service! Now I am dreaming of Paradise!! And for some of you this is not the Paradise by the Dash Board lights!!
  11. TeamCaffee

    Sturdy Steps

    Well I am not so good at getting pictures on here so I will give you the web site! They do not have an exact picture of putting the step on the DOT bumper but you can get the drift of what they do. Sure wish we would have had the step installed as we have a HazMat load and the...
  12. TeamCaffee

    Sturdy Steps

    We had a great find at MATS. I don't know about most of you but I absolutely HATE getting into the back of our box if we are not at a dock. I step onto the lower bracket of our DOT bumper and then crawl the rest of the way. First I am sure that is not a pretty site from behind and second I...
  13. TeamCaffee

    oil consumption

    I don't feel that the oil consumption is excessive until you use a gallon or more every 1000 miles. Check with a factory representative to really get the facts on that engine.
  14. TeamCaffee


    Bob and I really had a great time in the booth with the crew from EO, Terry and Rene' and also Rich. We really enjoyed talking to people about the SpeedCo truck and getting to see old friends and meet new ones. We find it amazing how you wait and wait for this great event and then in a blink...
  15. TeamCaffee


    I am so sorry to hear of this happening. It is not that expensive to get a carbon monoxide/smoke alarm detector for your truck. We also test ours often as every time we make toast ours goes off and a women's voice YELLS Fire Fire evacuate. She does get your attention.
  16. TeamCaffee

    Claiming a loss each year...

    If anyone is just counting on Social Security income to retire on you are going to be living in a box with a tin can for handouts. Start a retirement account and take control of your retirement. The government is not going to take care of you in your later years. All of us that are trying to...
  17. TeamCaffee

    A Great Day in Expedite Trucking

    All we can say is the paint job on that truck is amazing! It is really something to see very very nice. You sure wont miss the truck anywhere it goes.
  18. TeamCaffee

    Mid-America Trucking Show

    We are so excited!! About 1/2 hour outof Louisville. Hope everyone stops by the expediter booth and introduces themselves!
  19. TeamCaffee


    Thank you for that great information I am sure there will be several try the coffee maker out. The price is sure right!
  20. TeamCaffee

    Congratulations to Terry and Rene...

    Congratulations Terry and Rene'