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  1. TeamCaffee

    worthless garbage teens

    Hard to believe that "they" are ****ed since they had to give the money back but still has charges against them. What in the world can their parents be like? I think they needed their butts beat many years ago and they would never have thought about disrespecting another person like this.
  2. TeamCaffee

    Windows Vista

    No it is called a Dell Mobil Broadband Card. When I called Sprint to activate it they could not even figure out what kind of card it was and while talking to them I activated it myself. The kid I was talking to was amazed at how slick it worked!
  3. TeamCaffee

    Truck Friendly GPS

    Yes please keep us updated so far it sure sounds really good. Maybe we could put NYC back in our Atlas as a place we will go back to.
  4. TeamCaffee

    Flying J coffee?

    Well we could be a little positive here. The Flying J finally recognized they had a problem and are now working on trying to fix it. I personally find the new coffee is better than the brew and do not mind now if we switch drivers in the middle of the night at a J. Used to be if we were at a...
  5. TeamCaffee

    Windows Vista

    I have also just received my new computer loaded with Vista. I had a little bit of an issue getting my Quicken loaded but other than that everything has gone fine. There are a few new features I really like such as the new Windows Mail. Over all after about a week of only using this computer...
  6. TeamCaffee

    Reefer Relocation Charge

    The pay will all show up on your load offer or load oppurtunity if the load does not pay enough do not accept it.
  7. TeamCaffee

    AA / Rigmaster

    We have this set up. We have over 3,270 hours on our Rig Master and this one is a 2005 model. Ours has the thermostat so we can regulate our heating and cooling and the Rig Master also monitors our batteries. Over all we are really happy with our Rig Master and have had very little trouble...
  8. TeamCaffee

    Who pays?

    Yes and he probably knows he is still wrong!!
  9. TeamCaffee

    Words to Live by

    StumbleVideo This is an amazing lecture, worth the time to listen to.
  10. TeamCaffee

    Get a fan

    We have the Fantastiic Vent also in the roof and this combined with a fan sitting on the counter really keeps the truck cool. We found that if we have the Fantastic Vent running and if it shuts due to rain without the fan on the counter the sleeper would immediatly get to hot. The fan also...