Search results

  1. TeamCaffee

    Your favorate thing to cook in

    Well I prefer to cook in my Mickey Mouse Flannel PJ's at home! But our here on the road I find myself reaching for the Rice Cooker most often.
  2. TeamCaffee

    The FECC suggestion/complaint box

    We have directions again on a load that make me shake my head. Anyone that enters directions in the computer needs to take a class on this. Directions with no street names only a local landmark do not work for some reason it is hard to see building colors at night. The other problem is the...
  3. TeamCaffee

    Should Alcohol be comsumed at Christmas?

    I think also think it depends on the family. I prefer to not have any alcohol in our house on Christmas Eve or Christmas day. I have to many memories of the drunken fights, passing out, snoring, in other words the evening and day you looked forward to for a very long time the people who could...
  4. TeamCaffee

    Christmas traditions

    Very nice tradition Wingnut! Christmas is very important to our family and spending time with each other.
  5. TeamCaffee

    just another new guy

    Welcome to the jungle!
  6. TeamCaffee

    Women in Trucking Challenge

    I received this from Women in Trucking and thought I might not be the only one interested in this. If you are not a member of WIT trucking and would like to join here is the website: Women in Trucking Association Dear Member, You have the opportunity to get fit in 2010 with the help of...
  7. TeamCaffee

    The FECC suggestion/complaint box

    This is a very good thread for suggestions on what drivers are seeing as problems and how they would like to see the problem solved. What an great way for MANY people to discuss issues and the solution they would like to see. As for non White Glove DoD trucks not sure what you mean as DoD in...
  8. TeamCaffee

    Sticker calanders

    Pelgrn we also will be lost without our sticky calender and like you as of yet have not seen any.
  9. TeamCaffee

    Show and Tell

    Jeanie Dingle looks awesome! What a goofy fun cat. I keep trying to get pictures of our truck but so far it has not happened. I enjoy decorating the truck for Christmas but this year I slacked some. Bob put lights in the grill last year to a switch so I could turn them on while driving. I...
  10. TeamCaffee

    Christmas Shopping on the road

    I have found the easiest way for me to shop as I do not like to shop at all is to order what I want. The shipping is a small price to pay over the stress of trying to find what I am looking for in a store and the hassle of checking out. That is truly a situation of poor Bob! Having said that...
  11. TeamCaffee

    How much would you charge an Owner?

    I think a lot would depend on the owners knowledge of trucking and the true hours spent keeping trucks on the road. I have not managed a truck but 15 to 30 hours a week seems a little excessive and a pretty broad range to base the numbers on. If there is many trucks then I think a set salary...
  12. TeamCaffee

    Work Zones

    You know it is scary when those guys get so blase about the trucks going by constantly.
  13. TeamCaffee

    Dirt is Costly

    You have a paint failure before you have a metal failure which is what allows the salt and moisture to get to the metal. The automotive industry isn't going to use anything that costs more than it's worth to them. So using a premium paint at the factory isn't going to happen. Read the owners...
  14. TeamCaffee

    Who has it tougher and why?

    Greyhound? Now that does sound like the worst of them all as your cargo talks!
  15. TeamCaffee

    Dirt is Costly

    This comment was taken out of the Transport Topics September 30th issue. Both Bob and I thought the comment was a very good one: In times like these when the economy and budgets are tight, often one of the first steps toward cutting costs is reducing or eliminating equipment-washing...
  16. TeamCaffee

    The FECC suggestion/complaint box

    The normal policy on DoD loads is to not change your pay due to HazMat reroute. With a surface HazMat load we have always had our pay adjusted.
  17. TeamCaffee

    I miss Jeff Jenson

    TNT I think you hit on the key, Jeff always was interested when he called on what you were doing, how you were doing, where you were at in the country and what you had to say. I also really enjoyed hearing his cheery voice on the phone.
  18. TeamCaffee

    The FECC suggestion/complaint box

    I seem to be stuck on directions this week. Another change I would like to see is the HazMat reroute ran before the load is offered out. It is very frustrating to have the new route emailed to you and find out that the loaded miles has increased significantly. It is very hard to make a sound...
  19. TeamCaffee

    The FECC suggestion/complaint box

    I do not know the reason all loads are not confirmed but I have to wonder if one of the reasons is the agent questions if the load will get covered our not.
  20. TeamCaffee

    Who has it tougher and why?

    I agree with Leo you can not answer this topic as what every you are driving should be the easiest and best. When you move into another size vehicle that make you a living that one should become easiest and best for you. Each size has pluses and minuses and each individuals attitude is what...