On the personal side
JuJu got diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer last year and is in treatment.
Myself a PT job as an Assistant store manage at Family Dollar in Hettinger just to stay even with all the copays we have for chemo and ct scans!
I do NOT miss the road ... guess it was my time to retreat!
Sprinter is still running good I use it to commute to work sometimes.
Also Dave AKA Guido good to see you still around.
Afternoon gang! Long time no post
Mark kinda dragged me out with his buck a mile comment and got me thinking.
10 yrs ago or so some were saying a buck was also good. Fast forward 10 yrs and buck a mile is still good? Considering a 2.4 % rise in cost of living per year X 10 yrs you all should he aiming for $1.25 -1.40 a mile at the least ... anything less then a buck is poverty wages and a waste of time. Right?
I still have a good supply of stir sticks and think I’ve done my duty!
After the TONU, it took until Wednesday to get out of NC. Almost got into a fist fight with another guy in the TV room because he couldn’t stand the idea of any channel except Fox News. I actually prefer Fox, but after two days, need a break.
Wednesday into Thursday: NC to Moline IL. Thursday night: well paying shortie to Decatur, IL. Friday into Saturday: our first trip up into Da Yoop (Negaunee, MI). Saturday morning found us heading back towards “civilization”, ie Green Bay.
The cold must have affected Nancy because she accepted a run from Green Bay back to the South, so now we sit in Latta, SC, hoping it’ll be easier to get out of the Other Carolina.
Good news is, it’s 80*
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Being content with ones self is important!My average loaded mile pay is way above $1.00, and my all mile pay, ( every mile the van moves, personal, deadhead, loaded) is close to $1.00 a mile. I am more than content with my compensation.
Sending prayers and best wishes for JuJu.Sorry to hear about Judy. Shes a tough girl who can endure anything (she has lasted this far being married to you, right???..lol) glad to hear that you are alive and well as well. I do miss our 8 hour nightly phone conversations covering about every subject out there....lmao. but you cant fool me, either, as I know you miss those loose toilet seats in the truckstops....lol. 6 years and still smoke free. However, I have expanded somewhat since than..(my next project)......keep in touch, snookems!
You're much nicer than I am. I got into this line of work to have minimal contact with people due to my general dislike for people. I might offer a "hello" out of courtesy. But I'm not out there for a conversation which is really meant to be nosey, or with attempts to "talk one's self up about how they are supposedly doing".One of the many reasons why I prefer to be by myself anymore...too much b.s...now, If I am in the front seat or, outside doing things on the van, etc, than yes, I will talk...but, if I am in back sleeping and some buffoon knocks on the side of my van, than things won't go well. I can guarandamtee that.
You're much nicer than I am. I got into this line of work to have minimal contact with people due to my general dislike for people. I might offer a "hello" out of courtesy. But I'm not out there for a conversation which is really meant to be nosey, or with attempts to "talk one's self up about how they are supposedly doing".
Nothing personal, I just don't have the patience or desire to deal with it.
What a nut case.
I swear, this woman is certifiable. She darn near fell off her rocker. All her eggs ain't in the same basket, I'm telling you ! One of the many reasons why I'm leaning towards the single life....lol. I know of a lady expeditor that clucks like this when she gets upset and mentally unstable, irregular.
Gotta go and make my easy money for the day.
Safe travels!!!!Sorry I haven't been complaining lately. I made enough noise, now I'm swamped.
Gonna grab some sleep now and see if my refusal for tomorrow sticks, or if I have another 700 miles and 20 odd stops...
We really miss everything on the highways. I can't get over the huge towns even a little over an hour away from me, that I had no idea existed...huge in physical size and facilities I mean, not population. I live in the most densely populated region in Canada but it amounts to nothing but bedrooms for Toronto
Best way to see the way people really live, deliver to local gas stations and Convienience stores
Not sure why I thought I needed to cross border in the first place.
The load God's were smiling on us. Had a pick up this AM going to Sacramento. Stopped by pick last night, (just in case), and found a fellow walking out. Asked him what time they open so I can load and head West into the weather. He said it was ready and he would open up and load us 12 hrs early. And, we beat the storm and just delivered.
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