Maybe Obamacare is good for America.


Veteran Expediter
The only thing the opening post shows is it may be good for those with extremely low income. Being good for america is another thought all together. For most it has increased costs and will also substantially increase our already out of control national debt.

sent from my Fisher Price - ABC123


Veteran Expediter
The only thing the opening post shows is it may be good for those with extremely low income. Being good for america is another thought all together. For most it has increased costs and will also substantially increase our already out of control national debt.

sent from my Fisher Price - ABC123

That goes for a lot of owner/operator truckers and vanners. After business and mileages deductions, many qualified under the poverty level.

Last year, after subsidized, my plan came out to be about $160/month for a family of 3. But I couldn't take advantage of that because my wife had a free(earned) family insurance coverage from her work, Bummer! When I get to 60 in a few short years, Tri Care will kick in, Bummer :0


Veteran Expediter
I don't come close to the poverty level after deductions. If one does all it means is someone else is footing your bill not that it is actually cheaper.

Remember subsidized means its coming out of someone else's pocket, not something to necessarily feel good about.
sent from my Fisher Price - ABC123


Veteran Expediter
Nice try. Blue cross doesn't have a policy that is $63.00 for a couple in ANY state. Might have insurance for $63.00 a month, but that is medicaid.
Checks rates somewhere other than Facebook.

I believe Medicaid is totally free.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I believe Medicaid is totally free.

No it's not. It is paid for by tax dollars. There is NO such thing as free. Everything has to be paid for by someone. Those "someones" are those of us who work. We earn the wages, the government takes it from us, and gives it to those who did not earn it. That is exactly how it works.


Veteran Expediter
I don't come close to the poverty level after deductions. If one does all it means is someone else is footing your bill not that it is actually cheaper.

Remember subsidized means its coming out of someone else's pocket, not something to necessarily feel good about.
sent from my Fisher Price - ABC123

Wait mit,lol, xiggi:) It was just a smart remarks :) Not sure if you read what I've wrote. We are qualified for the the subsidies, but we didn't have a need to use it because our family plan are covered by my wife private insurance at her work(not obamacare). And we both will be covered by Tri Care when I turned 60. Therefore, we won't need obamacare.

In addition to the expediting business expenses, we do have a mortgage and dependents to provide us with much greater deductions. Sorry to hear that you don't have enough deductions :(

About "someone else is footing the bill," it depends on how one looks at it. The benefit systems(Social security, disability, medicare, medicaid, obamacare, etc.), are paid by all of us in form of taxes. What we paid-in today are what we will be collecting in the future(those in parenthesis).

Sure, it sounded like we or someone else are footing the bill for our mom, pop, gramp, grampma and others. But in the reality, we are not. It was them that footed their own bills(benefits) 76 years ago thru taxations. And, they are now collecting their own paid-in benefits(with interests).

We can probably say that, any benefits that we are all entitled to, today or in the future, were paid by ourselves 30+years ago. That is, we foot our own bills. Shouldn't we be feeling good about that?:)


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
ALL of the "benefit" programs are broke. Monies wasted, stolen etc. They are all now running on "borrowed" money, since the taxes can no longer support them in full. They are all "Ponzi" schemes, much like the Madoff cons, and the time has come for the fraud to begin showing up. It is caught up with us.


Veteran Expediter
ALL of the "benefit" programs are broke. Monies wasted, stolen etc. They are all now running on "borrowed" money, since the taxes can no longer support them in full. They are all "Ponzi" schemes, much like the Madoff cons, and the time has come for the fraud to begin showing up. It is caught up with us.

Joe, don't worry, lol. you, I and other "old farts"(borrowed from zorry), should have enough time to collect what we paid-in before we drop:) Our generation has done the best we can.

Our grandkid's gereration can learn from our mistakes and can figure out their own ways to survive. Heck, we invented the internet and the videophone, it's thier turn to invent the new retirement and healthcare systems. They can do it:)


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Joe, don't worry, lol. you, I and other "old farts"(borrowed from zorry), should have enough time to collect what we paid-in before we drop:) Our generation has done the best we can.

Our grandkid's gereration can learn from our mistakes and can figure out their own ways to survive. Heck, we invented the internet and the videophone, it's thier turn to invent the new retirement and healthcare systems. They can do it:)

The loans are coming due. I don't want to do this to my granddaughter. What was, and is being done, is criminal. 17 TRILLION and counting. It would not take much at this point to bring the house of cards to fall.


Veteran Expediter
Wait mit,lol, xiggi:) It was just a smart remarks :) Not sure if you read what I've wrote. We are qualified for the the subsidies, but we didn't have a need to use it because our family plan are covered by my wife private insurance at her work(not obamacare). And we both will be covered by Tri Care when I turned 60. Therefore, we won't need obamacare.

In addition to the expediting business expenses, we do have a mortgage and dependents to provide us with much greater deductions. Sorry to hear that you don't have enough deductions :(

About "someone else is footing the bill," it depends on how one looks at it. The benefit systems(Social security, disability, medicare, medicaid, obamacare, etc.), are paid by all of us in form of taxes. What we paid-in today are what we will be collecting in the future(those in parenthesis).

Sure, it sounded like we or someone else are footing the bill for our mom, pop, gramp, grampma and others. But in the reality, we are not. It was them that footed their own bills(benefits) 76 years ago thru taxations. And, they are now collecting their own paid-in benefits(with interests).

We can probably say that, any benefits that we are all entitled to, today or in the future, were paid by ourselves 30+years ago. That is, we foot our own bills. Shouldn't we be feeling good about that?:)

The comment wasn't directed at anyone in particular. As far as footing the bill ocare specifically makes everyone pay for all coverage even if there is no chance of needing it. Most will pay more than it cost before to cover those on subsidies. That is a huge reason they need the young and healthy to enroll. I am not really understanding why it would be OK to push the cost on to future generations. That is what has been going on for years and obviously does not work. That thought pattern has us in deep doodoo.

sent from my Fisher Price - ABC123


Rookie Expediter
Nice try. Blue cross doesn't have a policy that is $63.00 for a couple in ANY state. Might have insurance for $63.00 a month, but that is medicaid.
Checks rates somewhere other than Facebook.

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Now, let me assure you my husband and I are NOT on Medicaid. Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield. And you are right we are not paying $63 for our insurance, we are paying $3.88. The balance is for vision and dental coverage. My husband and I were Expediters. We had to come off the truck to care for my elderly father who is terminally ill. We took employment as manager and maint. in a mobile home park where my father resides in order to be close to him. We have worked since we were teens, paying into medicare and supporting those on state assistance with OUR taxes. Together, we now gross $30K a year. We still pay taxes, we still pay into Medicare etc.. We do not get food stamps or any other state assistance. We do not live above our means. We are honest, hard working people. We also volunteer in our community and have trained for 2 years to become Guardian Angels (The Alliance of Guardian Angels). Because of our income, we qualified for a subsidy of $976 per month. All the subsidy does is give us a credit amount. It isn't being paid toward the deductible or anything else. The subsidy is not being paid to anyone. If it were not for this subsidy, we would have to pay out over $400 per month for our health insurance. And yes, it is insurance and yes, it is through Anthem BC/BS, which is owned by doctors, and lawyers. We still have to pay 30% of our medical care, glasses, dental work etc... but the preventive care is at 0 cost to us. We have paid for it for years and never was able to benefit as we are now. All this has done is made medical care affordable to us, which it was not prior to this legislation. It is about time the citizens of this country have access to medical care. I was totally against Obamacare from the very beginning. Being forced into it caused me to reach out for help because I did not understand how it worked and what the benefit of it was. Incomes of $60K a year still qualify for a subsidy. I learned a lot. I sleep at night now, which is a boost to my health and my attitude. We will return to Expediting when we are no longer needed here. When our income changes, so do our qualifications. It is what it is. Our deductible is $12K ($5K each). Anything we pay out of pocket counts toward that. If, in our preventive care physical, one of us is found to have cancer: Anthem BC/BS steps in and takes over on our medical bills at $5,001.00. We make payments as we are able to, up to $5K. If this isn't insurance, please tell me what is.
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Expert Expediter
GATOR: Because of our income, we qualified for a subsidy of $976 per month. All the subsidy does is give us a credit amount......

Still waiting for a THANK YOU for the "Subsidy" you qualified for since it is my 60-70 Hour Weeks - $100K PLUS a year income that will be covering that Subsidy for you...........


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The cost of that "Subsidy" is being paid by everyone, and there are millions, who have had their rates go up to make up the difference. There is no such thing as a FREE RIDE. What it comes down to is that SOMEONE ELSE is paying for those who are getting subsidized. Do not forget that those who DO pay their own way, in addition to drastically higher rates, are also paying a federal tax on the premiums that they pay on their insurance. That tax can be 10% of the cost of the premium.


Rookie Expediter
Still waiting for a THANK YOU for the "Subsidy" you qualified for since it is my 60-70 Hour Weeks - $100K PLUS a year income that will be covering that Subsidy for you...........

Oh and I suppose the hrs. we work do not cover anything????? Suck it up buttercup!! We were expediters too. We paid plenty for those who cannot pay any.....STILL DO. And WE are not complaining. That is what Americans do. We help each other when times get hard. So you make $100K pr year. Is that after expenses???? So you make $100K plus per year, and we make $30K plus per year (now). We also put in 20 hours per month volunteering in our community to 'give back'. May the good Lord bless your life that you never feel a need to 'give back' for your blessings. We rode high too when we were running the road, things change. Oh, Thank you for your assistance with OUR subsidy. Does that make it any better? I doubt it. My husband is 57, I am 55. We have worked all of our lives, do we not deserve to have this benefit?? So the taxes I pay...also pays into my insurance. Even though we only make $30K a year, we still pay taxes.
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Veteran Expediter
Don't want to come off wrong here, that's great you found something affordable. I have to say your last comment did kind of bother me. One of the huge problems we have today is people feel like things are deserved. You have to realize a few bucks a month will never pay for healthcare. I'm about the same age, single and the ex claims our daughter. My insurance will be almost 7500.00 per year

sent from my Fisher Price - ABC123


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
No problem here. Lets see, 30k a year income and a 12K yearly deductible. Yep...just like I said. You have no real insurance. I'm not sure where someone thinks "they deserve" something.
Even social security most only put in 100k in a lifetime yet cost closer to 400k through their life.
Someone has to pay for that.
I don't think "deserving" is how I would describe that. Being "grateful" may be a better position to take.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
No problem here. Lets see, 30k a year income and a 12K yearly deductible. Yep...just like I said. You have no real insurance. I'm not sure where someone thinks "they deserve" something.
Even social security most only put in 100k in a lifetime yet cost closer to 400k through their life.
Someone has to pay for that.
I don't think "deserving" is how I would describe that. Being "grateful" may be a better position to take.

I wonder, IF that SS money, that was taken from most people, could have earned in interest over a lifetime? I wonder how much would be in the trust fund if it had not been spent and would have been properly invested? I would bet that IF someone had put that 7% of their wages in a proper investment that they would have earned far more than 400K. Too bad that was not what happened.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
I wonder, IF that SS money, that was taken from most people, could have earned in interest over a lifetime? I wonder how much would be in the trust fund if it had not been spent and would have been properly invested? I would bet that IF someone had put that 7% of their wages in a proper investment that they would have earned far more than 400K. Too bad that was not what happened.

I don't believe that was ever the plan. Too bad though.
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