Wow i have been off here a few days and i miss a LOT lol.
1. Shower issue... eww. I fully agree the shower/laundry is provided to us keep it clean or cleaner than u found it. I know there is a lady who cleans but come on help each other out!
2. Kurt your meeting everyone lol! We were there and gone so we didnt get a chance to say hi to everyone.
3. John thanks for providing and fixing the truck wash!
4. Yea any girls with the new poles lmao.
5. That storm was brutal! Drove thru it thrusday. Our home town Kokomo, IN is major flooded. Even got the gov. Checking it out today. 18.69 feet water lever in our 10 ft max creeks.
6. If i missed anything sorry im typing this from memory of what i read
7. Good Afternoon everyone! We got us a weekend run out of ky yesterday. Delivers monday so were taking out sweet time

hope you are all doing ok! Maybe this weather will warm up now