In The News

U.S. House cancels morning debates because of industrial spill

By The Trucker News Services
Posted Jul 10th 2014 7:04AM

House leaders have canceled the morning hour of debate on Thursday due to a potential asbestos leak.

The House side of the Capitol was closed early Thursday due to an overnight spill during ongoing maintenance work. Parts of the House will likely remain closed during the day.

A notice from Speaker John Boehner's, R-Ohio, office said the House will still convene at noon for legislative business as previously scheduled, despite the cancellation of the 10 a.m. session.

"Pursuant to clause 12(c) of rule I and the order of the House of January 7, 2014, the Speaker announces that the House will not convene today at 10 a.m. for morning-hour debate due to an industrial accident. The House is expected to convene at noon for legislative business," the notice read.

Several members had planned to speak during the morning hour debate. Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill., intended to make a speech about the surge in unaccompanied child migrants illegally crossing the border and the president's supplemental appropriations request to address the issue. A spokesman for Gutierrez said the speech will be rescheduled.

The first House votes of the day are expected around 2:30 p.m.

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