In The News
Throw word, ‘diet,’ out the window and come up with exercise plan
OK, it’s a new year maybe you have a few new resolutions and one of them pertains to having a healthier body. It is a fairly common annual resolution: “get in shape,†people jot down at the beginning of the year. But it’s one of the first items on the new “to do in 2010†list to fall by the wayside.
As important as it to be healthy it makes one wonder why it becomes so difficult to do what it takes. I’ll offer you a few reasons that I have seen over the years.
Poor planning, lofty goals, dreams ahead of abilities, time, stress, family, friends, the dog, the cat, one last fast food, one last “sugar hit†and the ultimate road block, “I’ll start tomorrow!â€
As an instructor I have seen and heard all possible excuses. You have probably used a few, yourself.
So let’s start anew for 2010.
Assess your situation.
See your doctor and get a checkup. Talk to your doctor about what you would like to accomplish this year on your way to a healthier life.
Talk to your doc about the meds you’re on and the health supplements you’re taking.
If you decide to go it alone without a doctor’s opinion, use common sense and read, utilize the Internet and talk to people who have started healthier lifestyles.
Ask yourself what it is you want to accomplish and try to stay on the positive side.
Losing weight is a good goal but it has negative connotations because of the word “lose.†Instead of losing weight think of things like “I’m going to walk each day,†or “I’m going to buy and eat healthier foods.†There is no question our patients and clients that start health programs are more successful with positive images than negative.
Be reasonable. If it took years to get out of shape it’s not going to take days to get back in.
Start slowly. Use common sense. Be realistic.
In exercise you have to walk before you can run. Do some exercise before you try to accomplish a comprehensive program. Use light resistance and then increase the resistance, such as weights, as you get more comfortable.
In nutrition make small changes in your nutrition plan to test your resolve. Don’t starve yourself, just eat better foods and don’t use the word diet use the phrase “nutrition plan.â€
Well now, here you are. Pay attention to your particular health issues, including your age because you’re not 20 anymore, and go get healthier.
What now?
Pick a time each day you’re going to go for a walk. This is your time. There can be no excuses. So pick a time that you feel you can dedicate to you. For me it is 5 a.m. Of course I would like to sleep in but it is the only time of the day no one and nothing will bother me. Start with a walk to test your time and resolve and then move on to dedicating more time and energy.
Always eat breakfast — that includes protein and fiber. Use the same ingredients for lunch and dinner. Do not skip any meals. Eat fruit, vegetables and nuts for snacks between meals. Drink a good size glass of water with each meal and snack.
Do not let family, friends or work tempt you. Do your best to get them excited enough to join you.
Realize you are going to fail to stay true to your program every day and every minute. When you “screw-up†take a deep breath and get back in it.
You Can Do It!
And we can help if you need it and now more than ever.
Besides all the motivational and educational programs the opening of our new Fitness Road Wellness Center in Tempe, Ariz., has increased benefits of letting you stop during your travels and get one-on-one advice from not only myself and Rebecca — we have quite a group of friendly, “down to earth†professionals to keep up your spirits.
It’s Your Life.
Excuses only hurt you, not your family or friends. So stay on track in spite of all the obstacles and get to our Wellness Center when you need ammunition for the “war.â€
God bless you and yours,
Call (888) 348-7623 or (480) 907-5606, get on the Web site
, or e-mail [email protected]
. If you choose to visit the Wellness Center the address is 209 East Baseline Road in Tempe Arizona just 2 miles east off of Interstate 10.