In The News
The 2016 EGG: Speaking with Jeff Tacker, VP of Operations, Expediter Services
It's that time once again! Expediter Services hosts the Spring EGG 2016. We sit down with Jeff Tacker, Vice President of Operations to ask him some questions about this year's Expediter Group Gathering. As you'll see, not all EGGs are laid the same.
Hi Jeff, thanks for taking the time to talk to us about the EGG!
I'm always delighted to take the opportunity to share information with your readers about the exciting things that are happening at Expediter Services.
Please tell us, what is the EGG?
The EGG stands for Expediter Group Gathering, and that's just what it is: a venue for people in expediting to get together, network and explore the opportunities that Expediter Services has to offer this industry.
What is the Spring EGG all about?
This year's Spring EGG is focused on the industry outlook, truck sales and future growth opportunities. Whether you're wanting to become a driver, or a driver who wants to become an owner operator, an owner operator who wants to become a fleet owner or a fleet owner wanting to grow a fleet, the EGG presents opportunities for entry into all levels. The EGG also provides a great way for us to get to know each other better.
Are all EGGs the same?
All EGGs have a common yolk -- it's people coming together to strengthen a business bond and to gain insight from the sharing of information. But every EGG can have a different theme, and focus on a specific area of concentration. As mentioned earlier, this EGG's focus is on truck sales and why the time is right if you desire to become a contract driver, owner operator or fleet owner. We're always looking to focus on trends and services that are important to the industry.
Who can attend the EGG?
Since our goal is to get to know everyone on a personal basis, we try to keep the attendance of each EGG to a limited number of people. Contract drivers, owner operators, fleet owners or anyone from a team environment who is looking to explore opportunities is encouraged to attend if space is available.
What services does ES offer to support EGG attendees?
We offer a number of services for a wide variety of needs, including:
- Contract Driver Program -- allows the opportunity to "try it before you buy it" (Path to Ownership)
- Expediter Truck Sales -- provides exclusive class-8 truck inventory including Freightliner Cascadias and Volvo 780's
- Expediter Equipment Finance -- provides financing
- Expediter Insurance Services -- the low cost provider of insurance in expediting
- Expediter Management Services -- Owner Operator program with daily operational support, including multiple carrier options
At the EGG, you'll find that Expediter Services is a one-stop shop when it comes to fulfilling your expediting needs. We invite you to drop by and explore your opportunities.
Is it required that attendees purchase a truck at The EGG?
Absolutely not! But once someone attends the EGG and learns about the favorable outlook on the future of the industry, the service and support offered by Expediter Services and the opportunities available, chances are great that even if you don't buy a truck, you will leave the EGG with the knowledge and the desire to purchase a truck in the not-too-distant future. We also find that a number of people who don't purchase a truck at the EGG often sign up for our contract driver program to try it before you buy it.
What do you mean by "Try It Before You Buy It"?
There are any number of reasons why people may not be ready to purchase a truck right away. Maybe you're new to expediting and want to see if the industry and the carriers we support are right for you. Or you're wanting to try out a particular truck to see if it performs to your specifications. Or it could be that you want to see if your team can produce the numbers necessary to feel comfortable financing a truck. Expediter Services' "try it before you buy it" offer is a great way to mitigate risk and gain the degree of comfort necessary to move your business to the next level, should you desire to do so.
Expediter Services provides support programs and is the Much Better Alternative for your expediting opportunities.
What makes the EGG different than events put on by other expediting companies?
The difference between the EGG and other expediter events is WE DELIVER! It is the one venue where all expediting opportunities are real and accessible. Time at the EGG will be well spent.
The EGG offers a clear-cut approach with well defined support and services to help you access opportunities and make the decisions that's best for you and your business.
There a few slots left for the EGG. Register Today!
April 15-16, 2016
Landers Center
Southaven MS