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Sylectus Announces 2013 AlliancePro Freight Brokering Figures

By Sandy Long - staff writer
Posted Jan 30th 2014 3:26AM

Sylectus is an integrated transportation management software (TMS).  It’s a web-based, protected network where hundreds of competing companies collaborate to share thousands of trucks and loads, manage operations and create wealth thru effective brokering strategies.  Stuart Sutton, president of Sylectus, recently released the freight brokering figures for 2013 for AlliancePro, the companies and members who use Sylectus.

In 2013, AlliancePro companies and members brokered over $370 million dollars of freight.  “The AlliancePro companies brokered out over 250,000 loads for a total of over $377 Million, but AlliancePro companies represent only 23% of the total companies in the Alliance.  Therefore, if we extrapolate this revenue across all Alliance members, it means that the entire Alliance brokered about $1.6 Billion in freight,” said Sutton in the release.

While prior to 2013, statistics show that the money split roughly 50%/50% between the Alliance and outside carriers, starting in 2013, those numbers increased towards the Alliance side.  Sutton credits this to Sylectus bringing this point up to Alliance members at the 2009 conference, “At our 2009 User Conference, we brought this statistic forward to the Alliance members and many of them made a commitment to support Alliance members before brokering freight outside of the Alliance.  That commitment is paying off as we can see that more of the freight is shared within the alliance than outside the alliance since early 2012 and the trend is improving.”

Sutton hopes to continue to raise awareness of brokering habits and to increase the money split to 75% to Alliance members and only 25% to outside carriers.  “If we assume the $1.6 billion dollars is correct, from our extrapolations, then only 50% ($800 Million) was brokered inside the Alliance in 2013. Going to 75% would put another $400 million into the pockets of Alliance members.”  To do this, he encourages the members to use as many other members to haul the Alliance freight and to continue to make the team of Alliance members stronger, by feeding each other first and support each other with excess capacity. 

About Sylectus
Sylectus is trucking’s most powerful network.  Born in the new, cloud-based economy, it’s built on one simple idea … leverage the resources of your competitors to achieve extraordinary results for your customers and for your company.   Sylectus is more than Transportation Management Software.  It’s a web-based, protected, wealth creation network for managing in the New Trucking Economy.  Designed exclusively for progressive trucking companies, Sylectus enables them to bypass the investment and time continuum to grow fast NOW.