In The News

SmartTruck introduces LeadEdge top of trailer fairing

By The Trucker Staff
Posted Oct 19th 2015 4:00PM

PHILADELPHIA — SmartTruck, an aerodynamic efficiency-solution provider for the long-haul trucking industry, has introduced its LeadEdge Top Fairing, a new aerodynamic trailer fairing designed to manipulate and manage the disruptive airflow created in the gap between cab and trailer, or between two tandem trailers.

"This new patent-pending product addresses this problem area of the trailer in a completely new and different way from other current industry solutions," SmartTruck CEO Stephen S. Ingham Jr. told reporters during a news conference at the American Trucking Associations Management Conference and Exhibition under way here.

"LeadEdge is the first solution that creates lift to reduce drag. Like other components in SmartTruck's portfolio, the LeadEdge increases long-haul truck fuel efficiency, a 2 percent improvement as a sand-alone, and an incremental improvement in fuel economy when combined with aerodynamic systems addressing drag in other parts of the trailer."

For tandem operators in particular, the LeadEdge Top Fairing is a desirable and affordable solution that can quickly pay for itself in fuel savings, Ingham said.

"Tandem trailers face a unique aerodynamic challenge," he continued. "They need to ensure than any efficiency components added to trailers do not obstruct or interfere with pup operations. Our LeadEdge was created with that in mind."

The LeadEdge Fairing was designed and optimized using sophisticated computational fluid dynamics, Ingham said, adding that predicted performance metrics were subsequently validated through rigorous coast-down testing.

Live tandem fleet testing is expected to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2015.

The units will cost about $480 each. Orders are now being accepted with shipping in the next few weeks.

Ingham also announced that SmartTruck will be consolidating its trailer efficiency solutions portfolio to make it easier for customers to choose and purchase the products that are right for their needs.

Effective immediately, the company will sell and distribute its EPA SmartWay Verified and California Air Resources Board-compliant aero systems in three branded configurations:

  • The former UT1 will now be named "Classic Aero System"
  • The UT6+ will now be named "Premier Aero System," and
  • TopKit will now be named "TopKit Aero System."

The Trucker staff can be reached to comment on this article at [email protected].