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Presumptive GOP nominee Trump says he's only candidate who can fix roads

By The Trucker News Services
Posted Jun 24th 2016 10:28AM

Presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump says he is the only presidential candidate who can restore the nation's crumbling roads and bridges, according to The Hill.

Trump's Wednesday comments seem to represent an effort to separate himself from presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton on infrastructure issues — one area where the two candidates generally agree, said a story in The Hill by Melanie Zanona.

While attacking Clinton earlier Wednesday, Trump vowed to "build the greatest infrastructure on the planet earth — the roads and railways and airports of tomorrow."

"When I see the crumbling roads and bridges, or the dilapidated airports or the factories moving overseas to Mexico, or to other countries for that matter, I know these problems can all be fixed, but not by Hillary Clinton," Trump said. "Only by me."

"Construction is what I know," Trump said. "Nobody knows it better," the Hill story quoted Trump as saying.

Trump has offered few clues about how he would tackle an estimated $1.4 trillion infrastructure shortfall in the next decade.

The businessman has previously called for major investments in the transportation system and even acknowledged it would likely cost taxpayer dollars, but he has yet to unveil any infrastructure plan on his campaign website.

Trump mentioned the issue in his 2015 book, "Crippled America," citing an estimate from the Senate Budget Committee that rebuilding U.S. infrastructure would create 13 million jobs — a familiar figure circulated by many Democrats.

Clinton, meanwhile, has proposed a five-year proposal that includes $250 billion in direct spending on new and improved infrastructure and $25 billion on a national infrastructure bank to help bring more private capital off the sidelines.

But Clinton has remained vague about how she would pay for the massive plan, only saying on her campaign website that it would be accomplished through business tax reform, the article concluded.

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