In The News
LTL Rates on the Way Up, but Not Across the Board
A number of less-than-truckload carriers announced they are raising rates. Following on the heels of a recent YRC a... -
SPECIAL REPORT: Senators push for EOBRs in all trucks
If Senators Mark Pryor and Lamar Alexander get their way, all trucks will have electronic on-board recorders installe... -
Highway Loss Data Institute: 'Texting Bans Don't Reduce Crashes'
Researchers at the Highway Loss Data Institute in Arlington, Va., say laws prohibiting motorists from texting while d... -
NTSB Says Driver Fatigue at the Root of Fatal Oklahoma Truck Wreck
The National Transportation Safety Board has determined that driver fatigue stemming from acute sleep loss was to bla... -
CVSA’s Operation Safe Driver set for Oct. 17-23
You may see extra law enforcement out on the highway come mid October. The annual Operation Safe Driver campaign pu...