In The News
Great Lakes Convoy Ramping up for 3rd Annual Event
Toledo, Ohio -- The Great Lakes Convoy committee is proud to announce the 3rd annual event at its new location and d... -
Daydreaming tops list of causes of fatal distracted driving accidents
ERIE, Pa. — With all the recent national attention concerning the use of cellphones while driving, one might th... -
White House unveils plan to combat human trafficking
On Tuesday, April 9, the White House hosted a forum to combat human trafficking and unveiled a draft of the administrat... -
Diesel Prices Fall for Sixth Consecutive Week
The average U.S. cost of diesel has moved 1.6 cents per gallon lower over the past week to $3.977, according to new fig... -
Will Nevada claim nation's highest speed limit?
An effort that is halfway through the Nevada statehouse would increase the speed limit to 85 mph on certain stretches o...