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Mica withdraws, endorses Shuster for Transportation Committee chair

By CCJ Staff
Posted Nov 28th 2012 4:44AM

Rep. John Mica (R-FL) has abandoned his quest to remain the chairman of the U.S. House’s Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, according to reports. Mica was facing a Republican-enforced three-term limit — 6 years as either a chairman or a ranking member of a committee — heading into the 113th Congress’ start, but had asked Speaker John Boehner for a waiver.

Politico, a right-leaning news organization, reported Tuesday that it had obtained a letter from Mica to Boehner endorsing Rep. Bill Shuster (R-Pa.) to succeed him as Transportation Committee chair. Mica says in the letter that Shuster “has served in two subcommittee leadership positions and has both the experience and ability to assume this important position for our Conference,” and expresses gratitude to Boehner for allowing him to serve as the committee’s chair since Republicans gained a House majority in 2010.

Click here to read the letter.