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Expedite Group Rebrands, Refocuses
, originally formed in 2003 as The Expedite Alliance of North America, is rebranding itself with a new name under the same acronym. It's now knows as The Expedite Association of North America.
TEANA is the only organization representing providers of expedited trucking in the North American market. Defining itself now as an association, TEANA leaders vow to continue the efforts started as an alliance, which had a strong focus on collaborative competition. TEANA also continues to include other core goals like providing a voice for expeditors within government and regulatory organizations, expanding member benefits and upholding best in class industry standards.
"We are extremely excited with this name change. It better suits the mission of the organization and it helps define our goals going forward," said TEANA president and president of Load One Transportation and Logistics, John Elliott.
The group has seen membership rise to more than 92 companies over the past eight years. As the scope of the organization has broadened, TEANA's board of directors decided at its 2011 annual meeting that the organization would benefit from formally branding itself as an Association.
TEANA members commit to quality standards and a strict code of ethics. The association is comprised of expediters varying in size and geographic service areas across North America. Members work together in the spirit of cooperative competition, improving standards and quality of service of expedited transportation within the general transportation market segment.
"TEANA's commitment to develop and drive our members to exhibit best in class performance is the next level of the maturation for our association," said TEANA Vice President and Vice President of Universal Traffic Service, Steve Norman. "Now more than ever, customers should place the highest confidence in selecting a TEANA member as their expedite provider for a best in class experience."