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XPO has the national contract I believe (it's'how we got it).
XPO also does Amazon ...Good for night runs if combined with Lowe's you can run a truck almost 24/7
Only thing about Lowes's is cover your butt with pics and signed statements of a job completed with no damages before you leave the job site....Customers / Lowe's will claim damages and cost you mega $$ if not.

I seen one of your posts and read that you do deliveries for lowes? Can I ask howd you land that contract? We just picked up a 26 ft box and are desperate for work. Thanks in advance.
HI, I forgot to mention, Lowes and Amazon work require lift gates ....

I think my original response made it through to you?
I've been watching some of your videos on Youtube. In one, you mentioned you had a video about your first week in the business and how stressful it was, but I can't find it. Can you tell me how to locate it? Thanks for all you guys do.

What to expect?
I start my new job expediting next week. After 8 years delivering newspapers it was time and I like driving. So questions would be like what am I going to be hauling, paychecks,downtime, do's and don'ts of the road, etc. Any helpful advice I'm all ears. Thanks
I think if you post this in the newbie section of the forum you get pleny of answers to your questions because not to many read this section of the website.
Can anyone tell me of any freight brokers or companies that can keep sprinter & straight trucks loaded? For someone with own operating mc authority!
BTW, did you know that Layoutshooer hasn’t been on this site since 2015?
need help with my 2003 dodge Mercedes sprinter 2500 van please!! multiple problems with it from brakes to shutting off while driving!!!
dennis elliott
I have replaced most of the brakes components other than rear calipers and all rotors but still has a spongy brake pedal and seems to feel like its calipers are sticking a little in back passenger side but checked caliper seems fine for the most part don't see why im still getting air in the lines?
There is a really good Sprinter mechanic at the Daytona Mercedes Benz dealership that knows his stuff. I’d take it there if were mine.
New here, i have a question about a 2002 Hino . not sure where or how to post it.
2002 4cyl dies when you push the throttle randomly and not always in the same spot, no check engine and no visual damage that i can tell.