Zoned out driver


Veteran Expediter
OK here goes. About a week ago today I was on I70 headed east for home when I got stuck behind a Buick driving about 63mph. He pulled out to pass a Swift truck that was doing about 62.7. We remained stuck along side of this truck for at least 8 miles. I could see traffic as far as the horizon in my mirrors stuck behind us. Finally he got by but remained in the passing lane and wouldn't pull back in when he had enough room. I waited another two miles and flashed him with my lights. He nailed his brakes and dropped to about 35. We all nearly scrunched each other. He finally got over but wouldn't let me pass him so I got over too and let everyone get by. I'm sure they all thought it was me that did it. I got on the phone and reported him as a drunk driver to the Missouri Highway Patrol. I don't know if he was drunk but he sure was erratic. Anyway after a while a red light came on on his dash and he had to pull over just behind a trooper who had a 4 wheeler pulled over. Talk about justice. So maybe I shouldn't have flashed him?????


Veteran Expediter
Well I am wondering how you determined he was going 62.7 MPH?

As one who hates being flashed and think it is stupid to do so, I do find his response dangerous and stupid and think you did the right thing.

I try very hard to pass and move out of the way ASASP, but the other day driving down 275 I went to pass someone doing 65 (limit is 70) and than this idiot started pacing me for 6 miles. not only did I have some idiot on a cell phone flashing me, I could not move anywhere.

So this flashing thing is done where there is a legitimate passing, medium and slow lanes with proper exit and enterence ramps and the drivers are educated who practice civility, which is not in the US.


Veteran Expediter
I can't remember the last time I flashed my lights to pass but this time it looked like he was never going to get out of the way. The speed limit was 70 and everyone was trying to do 80 to get to grandmas house for the holidays. It was beginning to get very dangerous. I had irate drivers stacked up behind me as far as I could see. I guess I'm just lucky there wasn't an accident.


Expert Expediter
Here is a story of total justice for this type of driver. I was on I-65 going north on the north side of Memphis where it comes back down to 2 lanes traffic was backed up for a ways. Traffic was moving about 10 to 15 MPH A 4 wheeler was getting on from a ramp and I backed out of it so he could get on he was at the end of the ramp area. Another 4 wheeler I don't know were he came from but tried squeezing in right after him needless to say had to slam on breaks roll husband out of bed and the whole 9 yards. I blew my city horn at him. So we get to were it was 1 lane and traffic was moving now. about 45 MPH this Idiot locks up his breaks and u know what I had to do and starts traveling 25 mph. Will the care bears that sit in there that U think they don't do anything, wrong they call another state trooper and the 4 wheeler got a ticket. Ha Ha Ha


Veteran Expediter
While driving I-90 between Buffalo and the PA state line last month, I stopped at the Angola rest stop to use the facilities.

While there, I overheard a state trooper telling one of the OTR drivers that NY State passed a law stating that anyone in the high-speed lane MUST PULL OVER AS SAFELY AND AS SOON AS POSSIBLE when another oncoming driver flashes his lights.

The trooper said this is to help reduce the growing number of road rage on the interstates.



Veteran Expediter
Very smart to make the left lane an only passing lane ALL STATES should do this. Just for the road rage aggrivation. As for pacing for miles between a 18 wheeler and an ignorant 4 wheeler I feel you were correct in light flashing.

The Swift Truck should have had some common sense to see what was going on as professional drivers we have a responsibility to the general ignorant public to be as safe and cortious as possible.
To always have an out, and the 18 wheeler was not doing his job by not paying any attention, in a situation like that he is more at fault than a 4 wheeler. A CB turned on would have been helpfull for both drivers.

My Peeve is when you Yield over to the left lane for a 18 wheeler or straight truck and before you can completely pass and come over he is passing on the right and than holds his speed so now you have 8-9 4 wheelers behind you who are gona take the first opening right or left lane.

It is inconsiderate and lacking any saftey commonsense.

A professional driver keeps saftey first and helps his fellow driver do the same.