For those with irrational fears of the government, perhaps, but for those who are aware and can recognize the realities around them, not so much. In fact, those who have a mental illness and have an irrational trust of government are most likely unaware that their trust is part of their mental illness. They literally have delusions that the government is benevolent and are here to help.
40,000 SWAT raids per year that involve subjecting nonviolent drug offenders and innocent bystanders to police terror by wrongfully having their homes invaded by police dressed as soldiers, which far too often has resulted in unnecessary death and injuries. SWAT teams are even being used to serve administrative warrants. That's the reality.
A 23-member SWAT team broke through the gates of the Garden of Eden, a 3.5 acre Arlington, Texas organic farm and led a massive 10-hour search of the property. The residents were handcuffed and held at gunpoint while they watched more than 10 tons of their property hauled off in trucks.
What dangerous contraband required this massive governmental response? It wasn’t illegal explosives, stolen vehicles or a meth lab. It wasn't even for the marijuana plants that were listed on the warrant. It was for organic blackberry bushes, okra plants, and sunflowers.
Back in February, the City of Arlington started complaining to the farm about possible city code violations. Officials said that the grass was too tall, bushes were too close to the street, and chopped wood wasn’t stacked in a government-approved manner. Basically, these are Home Owner Association style complaints where no homeowners’ association exists.
The farm owners said they had corrected some of the issues and challenged others, requesting meetings with the city to work out an amicable agreement. Challenging the others instead of bowing down was the cause of the farm's demise.
Early the morning of August 2, the government responded with the SWAT raid. Officers carried search warrants alleging that the farm might be growing marijuana, but none was found. The search warrant, signed the day before the raid, gave police the pretext to enforce the city’s “code violations” on private property.
The officers shielded their nametags so they couldn't be identified and didn’t produce a warrant until two hours after the raid started.
Government agents destroyed “7 blackberry bushes, 15 okra plants, 14 tomatillo plants, numerous native grasses and sunflowers which provided food and bedding for animals, and essential material for building projects and provided cool and shade for crops that would otherwise be dead due to the intense summer heat.”
They hauled off furniture, wooden pallets, food, even compost. They cut down a patch of sweet potatoes with a weed whacker and got rid of other “weeds” used to shade plants during the hot Texas summer.
After all of that, the police arrested one resident, Quinn Eaker for unrelated parking violations. "I think every single right we have was violated," he said. "Every single one."
The City of Arlington disagrees. Spokeswoman Sana Syed said the raid was perfectly legal and appropriate. "The purpose was to improve the quality of life, to resolve safety issues within neighborhoods and to hold the property owner responsible for creating blight conditions on their property."
Owner irked after raid on Arlington's 'Garden of Eden' | WFAA Dallas - Fort Worth
Texas Police Hit Organic Farm With Massive SWAT Raid - Huffington Post Report
Into the Garden of Eden Garden of Eden Website