Your ideas


Veteran Expediter
Sure, unions are corrupt, but I doubt they're as corrupt as large corporations and government. Without unions we would still be where we're going back to. If independent anything is getting a bad deal they need to form a association collect dues and buy a few politicians. In case you haven't noticed, that's the American way.

Unions are large corporations. The good intent has been left long behind.

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Veteran Expediter
The Unions were infiltrated long ago, and by design they are set up to fail. Mitt Romney will get rid of them almost entirely, the blue team will blame the red team, but in reality this was planned long ago. He will also get rid of medicare and Welfare..crime rates will soar...but he has to keep the Corperate Prisons at 90%+ capacity.

Dont steal, the government hates competition. ~Ron Paul~

Where do people come up with this stuff? :rolleyes:

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Veteran Expediter
The key to being a "small business owner(any type) is to set yourself up properly from the start, do it because you WANT to, not because you have to, keep yourself in a position to be able to walk away if you have to.......
never! did that before. very rarely do i hear of a small business that is 100% paid for before it is up & running, heck most have a HUGE financial obligations well into the future. and all provide for its ownership. most small business owners comets all they can for the secure of the business & simply cannot walk away.
i must have read the other handbook.


Expert Expediter
Considering you have no proof of this and it appears to be made up I have to wonder why you would say it.

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Theres plenty of "Unions Infiltrated" Unions Currupted" just bc it isnt in the mainstream news, and your good freinds Rush, Glen, dont talk about it, dosent mean it isnt true. And the only way the Elites can keep this sharade going, is to make Mitt Romney president.

Dont steal, the government hates competition. ~Ron Paul~


Expert Expediter
Theres plenty of "Unions Infiltrated" Unions Currupted" just bc it isnt in the mainstream news, and your good freinds Rush, Glen, dont talk about it, dosent mean it isnt true. And the only way the Elites can keep this sharade going, is to make Mitt Romney president.

Dont steal, the government hates competition. ~Ron Paul~

And the only way America is going to be able to compete with China and India is American Prison/slave Labor...

Dont steal, the government hates competition. ~Ron Paul~
Last edited:


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Theres plenty of "Unions Infiltrated" Unions Currupted" just bc it isnt in the mainstream news, and your good freinds Rush, Glen, dont talk about it, dosent mean it isnt true. And the only way the Elites can keep this sharade going, is to make Mitt Romney president.

Dont steal, the government hates competition. ~Ron Paul~

The fact that unions are corrupt and have been infiltrated by organized crime is hardly new news. Jimmy Hoffa complained about it all the time. Well, until they disappeared him.


Veteran Expediter
Theres plenty of "Unions Infiltrated" Unions Currupted" just bc it isnt in the mainstream news, and your good freinds Rush, Glen, dont talk about it, dosent mean it isnt true. And the only way the Elites can keep this sharade going, is to make Mitt Romney president.

Dont steal, the government hates competition. ~Ron Paul~

Oh yea its on the internet it must be true.

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Expert Expediter
Theres plenty of "Unions Infiltrated" Unions Currupted" just bc it isnt in the mainstream news, and your good freinds Rush, Glen, dont talk about it, dosent mean it isnt true. And the only way the Elites can keep this sharade going, is to make Mitt Romney president.

Dont steal, the government hates competition. ~Ron Paul~

I think you just addressed the one thing in your post that people can agree on. Heck, we learned that from the movie Hoffa.:)
I think the ??s were regarding statements like "designed to fail", "Romney will get rid of them",
"He will also get rid of Medicare and welfare", "Crimes will soar", "corporate prisons" etc.


Veteran Expediter
Motor Carrier Executive
US Army
I think most would agree the goals of the unions were very noble and needed when they were created. I am not sure it applies today in most cases.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
I think most would agree the goals of the unions were very noble and needed when they were created. I am not sure it applies today in most cases.

Today, the freedom and power to negotiate that the unions want and employ translates to something more akin to extortion than it does to "bargaining in good faith".


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
Today, the freedom and power to negotiate that the unions want and employ translates to something more akin to extortion than it does to "bargaining in good faith".

That is exactly how it is. That is why you have all these broke cities. As mentioned, what was once a great and noble entity has been reduced to nothing more than a political machine.
It is that reason that most have lost any support or respect for them.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
In that context, the Pearls of Wisdom in one of the pearly rants above takes on an entirely new meaning, doesn't it? ;)


Veteran Expediter
never! did that before. very rarely do i hear of a small business that is 100% paid for before it is up & running, heck most have a HUGE financial obligations well into the future. and all provide for its ownership. most small business owners comets all they can for the secure of the business & simply cannot walk away.
i must have read the other handbook.

That's because everyone wants what they want and they want it NOW. Easy credit has been the ruin of this country. I sacrificed for about 5 years as a company driver paid off debts and went into my own truck/trailer debt free with cash in the bank. That's how my grandparents taught me and how they ran their business. Of course they grew up in somewhat different times. The Great Depression made an impression on that generation. It's what I tell anyone who's ever expressed an interest to me in owning a truck. If you can't do it debt free don't even bother. They'll just end up another desperate operation willing to keep the wheels rolling to generate cash flow whether it's profitable or not. It's already competitive and if a person has no patience, which with boatloads of debt they won't, they might as well have "desperate" tatooed on their forehead. If I can do it anyone can - I started with less than nothing. No group is going to make me a success or failure that one's on ME. Politicians come and go but still, that's no crutch for excuses.


Veteran Expediter
Jimmy Hoffa complained about it all the time. Well, until they disappeared him.

It is very little known fact, barely reported, that Jimmy Hoffa was finally found.

In a hospital.

Hiding out in a maternity ward.

Organizing labor.

Ba da bing


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It is very little known fact, barely reported, that Jimmy Hoffa was finally found.

In a hospital.

Hiding out in a maternity ward.

Organizing labor.

Ba da bing



Expert Expediter
If you are unhappy with your station in life become a Man.

I am a man and Im glad I have the balls to say my opinions out loud in a forum with my fellow brothers...Ill never be afraid of giving my opinion as long as Its America I live in...If you think Ill be afraid or scared or worried that some wont like it, MOVE TO SYRIA

As far as the SOAPBOX I think sometimes MEN should be able to discuss matters among themselves and be honest about what there we all her do quite often...

I show up for work everyday, deliver my loads on time and earn a good living for the companies I work for and wouldnt jeaopardize that, but If I cant say whats on my heart and mind,,,Im not in America any longer.....and if someone gets scared and believes they cant speak out in this country I fell sorry for you because you are truly the SHEEPLE..


Veteran Expediter
I think most would agree the goals of the unions were very noble and needed when they were created. I am not sure it applies today in most cases.

They were a much needed force but the problem is they are made up of people and people are greedy and abuse their power.

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Veteran Expediter
Theres plenty of "Unions Infiltrated" Unions Currupted" just bc it isnt in the mainstream news, and your good freinds Rush, Glen, dont talk about it, dosent mean it isnt true. And the only way the Elites can keep this sharade going, is to make Mitt Romney president.

Dont steal, the government hates competition. ~Ron Paul~

I do not listen to Rush or Beck which seems to be a one liner you use every time someone says some conspiracy is bogus. The ability to find some lunatic that wrote a blog when you Google something gives it no credibility. What are your RELIABLE sources of information that you get these ideas from? How do you know he isn't an agoraphobic living in his parents basement possibly with a cat?

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