Xmas,where do people get this from?


Expert Expediter
It irks me when someone says " Merry Xmas". Do you not know the true meaning of Christmas? And in the same posting,they add "May God Bless you".Maybe you need to visit a Transport for Christ,or any other trucker ministry,and Say "Merry Xmas",to the chaplain inside.Maybe they will set you straight.

Support our military members and their families,this Holiday season,and always !
They are defending our freedom !
The Only Easy Day,Was Yesterday- U.S. Navy Seals


Veteran Expediter
How sad- someone wishes you a pleasant experience, and you get "irked" over the commonly used (in writing - I've never heard anyone say it out loud) shorter form of the expression.


Veteran Expediter
Happy Christmahanaqwanzica! Is that better? :7

"If I claim to be a wise man, it surely means that I don't know." - Kansas


Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member

I know some people get offended, but I think most people mean it as an abbreviation, to save space on signs, or whatever. When they say it, it's still Christmas, so at least they're acknowledging the holiday!

I'd rather see that, than Happy Holidays!

I'd rather people say which one they mean, than to be afraid to say the words, ya know?

I mean, if you want to say Merry Christmas, fine say it. Happy Kwanza (sp), fine say it, I'm not offended!

Just my opinon... Happy Holidays is the politically correct version (unless you're meaning the whole season, Christmas to New Years) and Xmas is USUALLY meant as an abbreviation to most.

True, some MAY mean to leave Christ out on purpose, but not most I think.

Just my 2.5 cents!

Forums Administrator

Steady Eddie

Veteran Expediter
Very Simple,

Before “Happy Holidays†there was Merry Xmas. Both served the efforts of those who want to take Christ out of Christmas. If that offends you please take it up with Jesus not me.


"The windshield is bigger than the rear view mirror, because it is more important to see where you are going than where you have been"


Expert Expediter
In Greek, the first letter of the word "Christ" is spelled with the letter "chi" which in written form looks very much like an "X". For a very long time, like almost since the beginning of the church, "x" has been used as an abbreviation for Christ. Theology students routinely use the letter in many ways as they take class notes, i.e. Christ = "x", Christology = "Xology", Christocentric = "Xocentric," etc. The use of "X" in "Xmas" is not an attempt to "eliminate" Christ from the event, but rather is merely a form of common shorthand.

As a young Christian I was bothered about this as well, but by the time I finished my theological education I understood it well. That one shortcut saves so much time when trying to make notes on very tough subjects coming at you hard and fast....

Doug Simmons


Veteran Expediter
When I was very young, I had written Merry Xmas and got a nun mad at me. I got the ruler across the fingers and had to make 100 Christmas cards as a penitence.


Veteran Expediter
I found more people I never meet wishing me a happy holiday than a Merry Christmas. When they did (happy holiday) I offered a very kind correction of NO MERRY CHRISTMAS with a big ole smile and a direct contact into their eyes.

It brought out a smile in more than 90% and maybee a little reminder in the back of the brain. Maybee not but its Christmas to me not Holiday as I could care less about celebrating New Years just happy to have another typical Holiday after Christmas.

See I dont let it bother me so I do not care what others think it only matters to me whats important to me not others.


Expert Expediter
This abbreviation for Christmas is of Greek origin. The word for Christ in Greek is Xristos. During the 16th century, Europeans began using the first initial of Christ's name, "X" in place of the word Christ in Christmas as a shorthand form of the word. Although the early Christians understood that X stood for Christ's name, later Christians who did not understand the Greek language mistook "Xmas" as a sign of disrespect.

Bugsy Siegel

Seasoned Expediter
>It irks me when someone says " Merry Xmas". Do you not know
>the true meaning of Christmas? And in the same posting,they
>add "May God Bless you".Maybe you need to visit a Transport
>for Christ,or any other trucker ministry,and Say "Merry
>Xmas",to the chaplain inside.Maybe they will set you
>Support our military members and their families,this Holiday
>season,and always !
>They are defending our freedom !
>The Only Easy Day,Was Yesterday- U.S. Navy Seals

It really irks me when someone tries to impose their religious beliefs upon everyone else. If you feel a need to live in a country where there is no freedom of religion, I'm sure there are plenty of available flats in Baghdad.