Veteran Expediter
I was in St. Paul at Stockmens Truck stop and my wife was backing in a space opposite of a truck. The driver didn't like the fact that the van's headlights were shining on his truck so he decided to start flashing his high beams. The headlights on the van turn on as soon as the van is started so I can't turn them off when parking as I would like to. As soon as we were parked my wife shut the van off so of course the lights went out so I didn't see a problem. We were there for awhile to take care of some things and determine where we would relocate. Afterwards she started the van which caused the lights to come on and the other driver immediately turns his high beams on then starts pulling out and holds up his middle finger for a few seconds. We were leaving anyway so I told my wife we would just get his truck number and turn him in if he went the same way were. As soon as the guy pulled out of the truck stop he stopped partially blocking the driving lane jumps out and came over to me and said if I had a problem we could settle it right there. I said nobody has a problem and that I was getting his truck number to turn him in which I don't think he heard. He then went off about the fact that if I f'ed with him it would be a federal offense because he hauls air freight and hazmat. I told him that I couldn't do anything about the headlights and he started approaching the van and I told him I was just going to turn him in and he said he was turning me in, not sure what it would be for. He seems like he is a potential problem and I feel I should turn him in but I'm not sure. What do you guys think?
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