Wokmans Comp


Veteran Expediter
Workmans Comp is charged to the driver and co driver for 52 weeks a year even though they may take off 2-3 months for the winter. At least this is the case at Panther. And of course the QC charges continue while O.O.S.
A couple of questions.
1. Is this required by Ohio Work Comp rules?
2. If the idle driver is hurt while wrenching on his van does Work Comp pay the medical bills?


Active Expediter
Well its not workers comp technically..its occupational accident insurance..i went thru a claim before and you are only covered while dispatched on a load


Active Expediter
Workers comp is actually ran by the state and most states it is a percentage of hourly wage..this is a way of protecting the company..its rather useless when you make a claim..they fought me tooth and nail for a 255 dollar claim on a slip amd fall stepping out of back of van..that was whay my doctor bill was


Veteran Expediter
If I got wokman's comp, I'd make even more oriental food!



Veteran Expediter
If you took the $$ we've all paid (not just this site, but all drivers in expedite) into workmans comp vs the amount we've collected, the amount would be in the millions in profits for someone else. What a racket. And then they fight tooth & nail for a $255 bill.


Veteran Expediter
Actually, over the years even the members on this site have probably paid into the millions. Mine is $32/week or $1664/year. Multiply that by all the members of this site and I bet it's well over $1,000,000.


Veteran Expediter
Ours is 19.08 per week X two X 52 weeks (driving or not) = $1980.16. If you had a choice of companies or whether to have coverage it would not have such a bad taste. We have other insurance and this is actually an unnecessary fee mandated by the State of Ohio.


Seasoned Expediter
First thing if you are self employed by ohio rules you are execept from workmans comp, you are not an employee, And Indiana is same way


Active Expediter
First thing if you are self employed by ohio rules you are execept from workmans comp, you are not an employee, And Indiana is same way

thats doesnt matter..and this we have isnt workers comp insurance..its totally different.


Veteran Expediter
Occ Health is a company requirement.

By law, they cannot force you to buy it through the carrier.

CIS offers a good program.


Expert Expediter
They cant require it Zorry, but in Landstar's case .... "Do you wish us to enter into this contract with you? A condition of that is is workers comp, OR, OCC Health"


Veteran Expediter
I'm thinking they can require some type of insurance in order to meet their requirements to lease on.

They cannot require you to obtain through them.


Retired Expediter
All you need is to collect for a nice chunk of time off like me 8 weeks for carpel tunnel ...work related 75% of my gross about $4,000 worth... Got my premium money back, as premiums are a business expense. Regular HC provider paid medical bills..


Seasoned Expediter
Workermens Compensation is a form of insurance providing wage replacement and medical benefits to employees injured in the course of employment in exchange for mandatory relinquishment of the employee's right to sue his or her employer for the tort of negligence.

When a trucking company sponsors an Occupational Accident Program, Contingent Liability Coverage is then available to protect the motor carrier in the event that an injured Owner Operator seeks employee status. Depending on the insurance company used, the Contingent Liability policy will either pay Workers Compensation benefits on behalf of the motor carrier, or it will reimburse the motor carrier for any related expenses – which are not covered by any other insurance – that are paid to an Owner Operator, who is successful in being deemed an employee of the motor carrier.

This insurance will be presented to drivers and fleet owners as medical and disability insurance coverage for the driver and sometimes this is the case. (See Ontariovanman's above post.) If you already have health and disability you are being forced to buy double coverage as was the case with Ontariovanman's medical insurance. If you are over 65, chances are you have a social security check, medicare and a medicare suplement. Also, medicare will not pay anything if they know a Workmans Comp claim is involved. (This info was obtained from the medicare 800 number so I won't swear to the accuracy.) Again, double coverage. You also relinquish any monetary claim due to negligence.

What is the real reason this insurance is forced on drivers and/or fleet owners? It forces the driver and/or fleet owner to pay the premiums for insurance covering possible neglegence by the carriers customers and it covers the carrier should the driver prove employee status at the time of a accident. Why should drivers and/or fleet owners bear this expense. Especially if they already have insurance covering themselves.

So, if you fall through a shippers 110 year old dock, break your leg, get the plague from being bitten by the rats living underneath it, and miss 6 months of work, do you think this insurance will cover all your monetary losses? I doubt it. You'll probably have to fight for every penny you get, and may not get anything if the dock owner says you were overweight and clumsy.


Retired Expediter
Workermens Compensation is a form of insurance providing wage replacement and medical benefits to employees injured in the course of employment in exchange for mandatory relinquishment of the employee's right to sue his or her employer for the tort of negligence.

When a trucking company sponsors an Occupational Accident Program, Contingent Liability Coverage is then available to protect the motor carrier in the event that an injured Owner Operator seeks employee status. Depending on the insurance company used, the Contingent Liability policy will either pay Workers Compensation benefits on behalf of the motor carrier, or it will reimburse the motor carrier for any related expenses – which are not covered by any other insurance – that are paid to an Owner Operator, who is successful in being deemed an employee of the motor carrier.

This insurance will be presented to drivers and fleet owners as medical and disability insurance coverage for the driver and sometimes this is the case. (See Ontariovanman's above post.) If you already have health and disability you are being forced to buy double coverage as was the case with Ontariovanman's medical insurance. If you are over 65, chances are you have a social security check, medicare and a medicare suplement. Also, medicare will not pay anything if they know a Workmans Comp claim is involved. (This info was obtained from the medicare 800 number so I won't swear to the accuracy.) Again, double coverage. You also relinquish any monetary claim due to negligence.

What is the real reason this insurance is forced on drivers and/or fleet owners? It forces the driver and/or fleet owner to pay the premiums for insurance covering possible neglegence by the carriers customers and it covers the carrier should the driver prove employee status at the time of a accident. Why should drivers and/or fleet owners bear this expense. Especially if they already have insurance covering themselves.

So, if you fall through a shippers 110 year old dock, break your leg, get the plague from being bitten by the rats living underneath it, and miss 6 months of work, do you think this insurance will cover all your monetary losses? I doubt it. You'll probably have to fight for every penny you get, and may not get anything if the dock owner says you were overweight and clumsy.

South Dakota does not require Workplace Accidental Insurance for O/O's....My last carrier demanded I have it, probably for the reasons you posted...I now have a choice.


Veteran Expediter
I don't live in Ohio but the Company is there so I am governed by that state's rules, at least I think that is what I was told.


Veteran Expediter
You have a choice to have,or not have it ?

Does anyone else, leased to a carrier of 25 trucks or more , have a choice of NOT having it ?