Window Van?


Seasoned Expediter
Hi Again,

To keep expenses as low as possible, and due to the fact there is a lot more window vans out there for sale in decent shape then there are extended cargo vans.... Would you think a window van could be modified for Expedite use?

What would be the drawbacks?

Does anyone out there use a Window van for Cargo Van expediting ?

The reason I ask is there seems to be a fair amount of 1 ton extended window vans out there for sale. I would figure one could black out the windows in the back and insulate the back and still have windows up front. As and added bonus, you wouldn't look like a CV which could come in handy (I guess?)





Expert Expediter
I have always used window vans and they work fine. There are no drawbacks as far as I have found.


Veteran Expediter
I passed by a Panther window-van one time, so I guess they do exist. I could see the mess inside tho. Good idea to black out the windows.


Moderator Emeritus
one big plus is when you come to sharp angle streets, like the one outside my door, you can look thru the window over your shoulder and not have to do a two lane j turn to go left.

opening rear windows would be nice in the spring and summer for flow thru. when sitting or touring down the road. wish i had at least one for that purpose.

windows will transmit heat and cold even better than solid metal so you may want to include some insulation over those windows. there goes the view.


Veteran Expediter
Check with the carriers you are interested in leasing on with. Make sure they will accept a window van. I'm parked near a Prestige window van as I type this.