Imo it has nothing to do with being old school or not. In this particular circumstance, we need to get every human that's walking around this country. Documented or not. Unless you'd like for people to die. Pretty simple ...
.... or are you like the Pharaoh that thinks the Angel of Death with not harm those in Iowa?
Coronavirus does not discriminate, it does not recognize boundaries.
Like I said "Just " My Opinion...
Most of " US " having chosen what State and town/city to live in . Within those choices come positive and negative things such as Hog Smell /Open Farm ground Cold Weather life,
Heavily Populated/Big City life ,
Warm Temperatures/Heavy Population Life ,
Big City /Heavy Industrial Life ....etc
But in my Opinion if you have "Chosen " to live in the United States of America then you should have follow the same rules as You , Me and other Documented Citizens. File for Social Security number , have in possession a "Legal " birth certificate. Pay Taxes , Drivers License, Proof of Insurance for Vehicle driven .
I understand People's thinking of providing Health care /Food and possible housing to Undocumented people in the U.S. .
But I feel We as a Country should make sure Our Senior Citizens /Disabled and VETERANS are taken care of first .
Like I said just my Opinion and I am "Not " getting into a heated discussion on this site .
We all have Our Own Opinions.... let's start Respecting them instead of arguing who's Right and who's Wrong...

sent from my Recliner..