WikiLeaks - The Mainstream Opinion


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
At the risk of overstating the obvious...

"The American public is highly critical of the recent release of confidential U.S. diplomatic cables on the WikiLeaks Web site and would support the arrest of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange by U.S. authorities, a new Washington Post-ABC News poll finds. Most of those polled - 68 percent - say the WikiLeaks' exposure of government documents about the State Department and U.S. diplomacy harms the public interest. Nearly as many - 59 percent - say the U.S. government should arrest Assange and charge him with a crime for releasing the diplomatic cables."

Poll: Americans say WikiLeaks harmed public interest; most want Assange arrested

What's interesting and informative is that in spite of the liberal bias of various polls toward other political matters, the respondents still agreed that the intrusive Wikileaks activity was harmful to the interests of the US and its allies' efforts to effectively conduct business. Whether or not the Barack Hussein Obama administration will aggressively pursue this cyber-terrorist remains to be seen, but it's clear that two-thirds of the population agrees that Gitmo would be a good place for Assange to spend the rest of his life.


Veteran Expediter
Wonder how that polling would compare to what the rest of the world thinks ? :rolleyes:
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Veteran Expediter
I have seen more underlining in the Soapbox during the last two or three weeks than any six previous month time frame.:p

........ first it was the banter .......... and now the underlining .......... what's next - the bolding ? :eek:



Staff member
Retired Expediter
The Bold and the Beautiful.

The rest of the world hates us, so whatever anyone can do to take us down a notch gets them all giddy. Any polling would likely reveal that.


Veteran Expediter
The rest of the world hates us, so whatever anyone can do to take us down a notch gets them all giddy. Any polling would likely reveal that.
Actually, that's just a generality .... but since that appears to be the game we're playing, I would say this:

The rest of world does not hate us - in fact, we (the United States as a people and as a nation) are admired for a great many things - however, it is certainly true that many despise the immoral, unethical, and in some cases, criminal actions of both the US government and some US corporations ....

I think it is more of a case of .... how does the saying go ?

Love the sinner, hate the sin .....


Staff member
Retired Expediter
"Actually, that's just a generality... "

Ya think?

In any case, I think it's a case of not recognizing sarcasm. Of course the rest of the world doesn't hate us, and it's absurd to make such a blanket statement and actually mean it. It's a joke, man. It's a sarcastic joke of absurdity, just like everything else in that post was.

Hey, you remember that time the preacher in Orlando was gonna burn the Qu'ran, and the Islamic world chanted "Death to America", instead of "Death to the nutjob preacher guy"?

That was funny.