You have been the most vocal member on keeping forums relevant to their category and encouraging us to move threads to relevant forums.
Sorry - this post has just taken me back! Is this a fundamental change in how you think a forum should be managed?
Totally mystified this weekend with this topic. ARGH!
Fundamental change? Not at all Lawrence, please read it again.
I am reinforcing what you thought all along.
This rule goes both ways, to keep a carrier centric thread in the carrier forum
is as important as keeping a non-carrier centric thread out of the carrier forum. I am using Leo as one example of 10 that I found in the FedEx forum that are not really about FedEx. The information in those thread have little to do with FedEx, they however have much to do with members at large.
I think you need to think about the passion behind some of the member's desire to see what can be thought of as their way of looking at what is right in a forum, not just as rules to be followed - it's an emotional thing I guess. It is frustrating (I know) that this happens and the reasoning behind it sometimes doesn't make any sense at all but seeing we are members who care, it sometimes matters to us if Dave can post about 'his' thread in the forum that the thread landed in which brings up a possible solution to allow
just the original poster to post in the thread where ever it lands and only the original poster (yes it can be done).