well it sounds like you are using the sylectus program for everything there and the powers that be that run the company simply want your dispatch procedures to be this way, which is fine. most if not all of the others carriers do not look at board position that way. i use that term loosely cause not all have boards or lay over areas. most other carriers do go by a first in first out system. it is as cut an dry as either in or out of service with a few exceptions as the fed has and tstate use to let you have some time. i am sure some others have their gimme time also but it has a limit. doesnt really matter why you are oos. you dont come back in service and get a load ahead of someone. maybe, and this has happened before, you get a call and dispatch explains and asks if you mind because of circumstances. if i am setting with another and ahead of them and they have a need and i am offered a load that would help them out then yes. there is no way im taking it from them. [ in sc. first up #2 trk next to me needing to be in flint, mi the next evening. call and give me a load to flint. i called and gave the load to him.] what kind of person would i have been to have taken that load. with all that aside though, if you feel the guy with the repair needs the load worse then the true #1 truck pick up the phone and call and explain dont just dispatch the load. that can cause alot of unnecessary complaining and its the rite thing to do. carriers do owe o/o and drivers explanations when things out of the ordinary go on. i have not been in expediting as long as some but i have been here going on 11 years. i have been with a few carriers and have friends at about 75% of the ones on EO. and they all for the most part work on this system of first in first out. just cause someone had a 1200 $ repair or whatever you cant assume he needs it worse. you never know what the others circumstances are. i could be down for a repair for 3 days and be better able to wait than some people i know who may have ran all week. so could alot of other seasoned veteran expediters on EO. just a guess, but a few, ovm, teamcaffee, chef, nightcreacher, greg, teamdjw, the shelled one, dave/linda, just to name a few. im sure there are more and they can chime in. some, i dont personally know or have never met. this is just an observation from reading posts. so the theory of one needing doesnt always work.