why socialism (and Obama) fails


Expert Expediter
There was someone a Republican (Ron Paul) who had some great ideas but was not even close to getting a nomination. His idea of having a "fair tax" is excellent, maybe not to the IRS, but that would mean that Everyone in this country would be paying the same. If he was nominated that's who I would have voted for.


Veteran Expediter
There was someone a Republican (Ron Paul) who had some great ideas but was not even close to getting a nomination. His idea of having a "fair tax" is excellent, maybe not to the IRS, but that would mean that Everyone in this country would be paying the same. If he was nominated that's who I would have voted for.

Ron Paul hated the Fair Tax, it was huckaby that spoke of the Fair Tax. Ron Paul wanted to do away with all taxes and go back to tariffs as the sole support of the government.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I don't listen to Rush but I do hear snippets once in a while through other sources. Having heard the comment in question, with wax free and koolaid free ears, I understand what he said. He hopes, as do I, that many of Obama's plans fail. That is not the same thing as hoping Obama fails. I hope that he succeeds, not in his ridiculous socialist dreams for ruining our republic, but in keeping us safe and not totally bankrupting our descendents. He may make things look pretty in the short run with socialism but not in the long run.


Expert Expediter
Ron Paul hated the Fair Tax, it was huckaby that spoke of the Fair Tax. Ron Paul wanted to do away with all taxes and go back to tariffs as the sole support of the government.
Yeah, that's what it was....geez...darn long term memory. Is there any real way to fix the problem we're in tho without ****in someone off tho? Not likely. we just have to find some kind of middle ground. But with the shape we are in today, middle ground just doesn't seem to cut it. Yes, there are a whole host of things that need to be addressed. Like finding alternative fuel sources. I don't think letting big oil drill wherever they want to is going to help it, but rather a combination of drilling for more oil and research. If the oil companies had their way there would be an oil derrik in the back of every American's yard.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The solution would be a few dozen new nuclear power plants and electrifying most everything. Also unpopular measures with some like banning any lighted advertising of products, stores during hours they are closed etc. to reduce power consumption. Not only would it reduce waste it would make the roads safer if the only lighted signs were to businesses currently open for business.


Veteran Expediter
Like finding alternative fuel sources. I don't think letting big oil drill wherever they want to is going to help it, but rather a combination of drilling for more oil and research. If the oil companies had their way there would be an oil derrik in the back of every American's yard.

Actually there are a lot of alternatives but nothing marketable and mass produced as of yet. it takes time and taxes are the one thing that stop a lot of research from happening. I worked in the Pharmaceutical industry, I was privy to actually costs of the drugs for my work and there is a lot that you can't write off on taxes and have to eat which is why I like the fair tax.

The energy situation is the same thing, we are working with a very old system with both electricity and transportation, a system that works and can be phased into something different but it will take years. We are being pushed hard and fast by big business to go to smart grids, ethanol and so on. We need energy to grow, we have contracted enough in the last 20 years that we will not have enough soon, and the solution is to move to build coal plants because they are the cheapest and quickest way to get more energy. They can be converted to Natural Gas if need be and the nuke plants can be built in the mean time.

Oil is a given, yes if there was oil under my house, I want it out of the ground and into a refinery. No one has yet come up with a substitute for it, it is used in a lot of things that effect our lives. Plastics is one area that they have made progress in finding alternative raw materials but in truth there are some plastics that can't be replaced that are vital to the world that come directly from oil. It took about 25 years to build up the retail end of the oil business here and because there are so many regulations, it will take 30 years to change it over to something else. Let's take Hydrogen, I like the idea that it can be produced on site without too much problems but it depends on the oil industry for the gas to convert to hydrogen. CNG which is pushed by some really rich guy, is the same thing - it has limited access points while it comes from the oil industry.


Veteran Expediter
Pilgram, what ever you were in the middle of,you used the correct word,middle.No real opinion about your high school classmates being slaughtered.Lets join the young Republicans and meet in the cafateria on Monday nights and discuss what we can do.Sorry dude,that was not going to get the attention of the mass murders and crazies.I never destroyed anything but a flimsey dream that if America killed enough Vietnam citizens (in their own land) we would save the world from the red menace.Wrong. Really wrong as it turned out.

It seemed nuts to me then and nuts to me now.The path I chose was to take action and end the d***ed thing through our Constitutional right to take it to the streets.It sure as hell was not the young republicans that had anything to do with ending the madness,

You may be 62,but you,in my opinion,were in another world miles away from what friends of mine in Ann Arbor,Chicago,Denver,Austin,DC and a most other University cities were up to.Sorry you missed it man,we could have used your help.I guess the young Republicans simply played it safe and did not rock the apple cart. Sounds like a stoned drag and a waste of youthful energy on a lame club to me.Glad I have my memories of my formative years and not yours.

It's not the old left dragging old stories from the past as much as it is generations of young republicans continuing to rehash the same tired old arguments of parinoia and sit on your *** and let someone else take the action to change things.Whine whine whine. It never changes until the left,generally with the energy of the young as the real horse power,rise up and make sweeping advances in politics,culture,music,technology and rebellion that anything gets done.When will you figure that out?Why do you have to be b***h slapped so hard?It's so obvious this country was in a death spiral and it had to change and now it's here.It may fail or it may succeed,but it will not rust away,and thats a miracle in and of itself.

Like your PC's guys?Who came up with that cool idea?
It was a bunch of hippy freaks from Stanford and surrounding high schools who had the idea for this thing called a PC,and this little train of thought called the internet.They met in Palo Alto and smoked pot and listened to the Dead and played with their home made contraptions.Some would call them left wing drop outs with bad attitudes.Others would later refer to them as the brilliant minds of a generation.What would you call them?
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Pilgram, what ever you were in the middle of,you used the correct word,middle.No real opinion about your high school classmates being slaughtered.Lets join the young Republicans and meet in the cafateria on Monday nights and discuss what we can do.Sorry dude,that was not going to get the attention of the mass murders and crazies.I never destroyed anything but a flimsey dream that if America killed enough Vietnam citizens (in their own land) we would save the world from the red menace.Wrong. Really wrong as it turned out.

It seemed nuts to me then and nuts to me now.The path I chose was to take action and end the d***ed thing through our Constitutional right to take it to the streets.It sure as hell was not the young republicans that had anything to do with ending the madness,

You may be 62,but you,in my opinion,were in another world miles away from what friends of mine in Ann Arbor,Chicago,Denver,Austin,DC and a most other University cities were up to.Sorry you missed it man,we could have used your help.I guess the young Republicans simply played it safe and did not rock the apple cart. Sounds like a stoned drag and a waste of youthful energy on a lame club to me.Glad I have my memories of my formative years and not yours.

It's not the old left dragging old stories from the past as much as it is generations of young republicans continuing to rehash the same tired old arguments of parinoia and sit on your *** and let someone else take the action to change things.Whine whine whine. It never changes until the left,generally with the energy of the young as the real horse power,rise up and make sweeping advances in politics,culture,music,technology and rebellion that anything gets done.When will you figure that out?Why do you have to be b***h slapped so hard?It's so obvious this country was in a death spiral and it had to change and now it's here.It may fail or it may succeed,but it will not rust away,and thats a miracle in and of itself.

Like your PC's guys?Who came up with that cool idea?
It was a bunch of hippy freaks from Stanford and surrounding high schools who had the idea for this thing called a PC,and this little train of thought called the internet.They met in Palo Alto and smoked pot and listened to the Dead and played with their home made contraptions.Some would call them left wing drop outs with bad attitudes.Others would later refer to them as the brilliant minds of a generation.What would you call them?

Yessir, that was me alright - moderate, no opinion, didn't make waves and just go with the flow. So what if some of my Army buddies, friends from college or high school came back from Viet Nam as mental basket cases, missing legs or or worse yet - in body bags. After all, only the radical peacenik liberals possessed emotions like grief and regret. I suspect that I had more friends and acquaintances that were killed, wounded or mentally damaged in Viet Nam than you did because more of them went instead of burning their draft cards or going to Canada. That's not to say they agreed with the war - they just went because they felt like it was their obligation.

Regarding the effectiveness of the left-wing radicals in the streets, they certainly did a great job getting their candidate elected in 1968. Wonder how Hubert Humphrey (a very good candidate, by the way) would have done if the nation hadn't been subjected to watching violent street "protests", especially the riots at the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago? Wonder how different history would have been without Abbie Hoffman, Bobby Seale, Dick Gregory, William Ayers et al? Humphrey lost to Nixon by about 500,000 votes. I know it's hard to fathom, but there were a lot of people in flyover country that were completely turned off by these domestic terrorists known then as "violent left-wing radicals". The more conventional campaign techniques turned out to be very effective electing Richard Nixon (No - I'm not a Nixon defender) TWICE, resulting in a landslide victory over George McGovern to gain his second term.

This could go on forever, so I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on most of this stuff. Probably the only thing we might agree on is that the late 60s - early 70s was an exciting time to be in college or around cities with that type of atmosphere. Regarding my being in another world - not hardly. Charlottsville is not far from DC but was close enough for me. However, there might be some people that were in school at Kent State, Jackson State and South Carolina State that would disagree with the idea that only major universities and big cities were the centers of the action back then.