Why not go to the Supreme Court


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I am a Canadian watching the results of the US election. it seems like NOBODY won. So why don't the two contestants go to the US Supreme Court and have them decide?
Then someone can get on with the business of running your country.
Our government took a sticky question on Quebec separation to the Supreme Court of Canada. They made a detirmination of the ground rules as a point of national importance.
The question of who will be the next President of the US is a question of importance.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
>I am a Canadian watching the
>results of the US election.
>it seems like NOBODY won.
>So why don't the two
>contestants go to the US
>Supreme Court and have them

Unfortunately, the US Supreme Court is a political entity. They vote along ideological lines on all things. Once in a while, a member stands up to the pressure and votes his own conscience, but not usually. Tomorrow it does go to the Supremes, and it is fairly easy to predict the outcome: Reagan and Bush, combined, appointed all but two of the justices.

Have you been following this mess? In one county, Republican operatives were permitted to "fix" ballots that were not completed properly. The Democrats were denied the opportunity to "fix" disallowed Democratic votes.

I am ashamed to admit to a Canadian neighbor that our presidential election, the will of the people-- has been usurped by electoral fraud.