secondly, this has morphed into a part timers/second income 60-70 its no longer a full time 1 income support was a joke years ago about us seeing the country and RVing but it has come true....
just are going to buy a new van and put all the bells and whistles and maybe between 40-50k have your self a decent ride and finance this ordeal over 48-60 month term....that's expecting at 100,000 miles per year....running at .70 a mile....making payments, supporting your family, doing the repairs...and then giving your carrier their insulting blood money to pay for what they are running their business...this is on top of what they charge you to get the load to begin with....what do they do with that 30-40% you give them?...and then they ding your pay for even more...
carriers again have recently dinged an estimate of 6%....has the office staff been dinged? or executive staff?....